Connecting our students to the world

In today’s interconnected global economy, understanding and navigating diverse cultural landscapes isn’t just beneficial—it’s a competitive advantage. At MiraCosta College, we recognize our vital role in preparing students to meet the demands of a globalized workforce. Our institution is committed to providing educational experiences beyond traditional classroom learning, ensuring our graduates have the global awareness and cultural knowledge that today’s business leaders require.

MiraCosta College offers multiple pathways for students to engage in international studies. Our general education, language, and cultural programs are designed to foster global competence, while direct interactions with international peers on campus enrich the learning environment for all students. The presence of international students at MiraCosta College enhances our community’s diversity, creating a more inclusive and globally-minded educational experience. One of the most impactful ways we prepare students for global success is through our study abroad programs.

These programs allow students to earn academic credit while immersing themselves in international learning environments. By experiencing different cultures firsthand, students gain valuable insights into global business practices, enhance their cultural awareness, and develop essential communication skills. For many of our students, these experiences are transformative, providing them with the confidence and adaptability needed to thrive in a globalized world. At MiraCosta College, one of the most impactful ways we prepare students for global success is through our study abroad programs.

Financial barriers can often hinder students from participating in these valuable programs. At MiraCosta College, we are dedicated to breaking down these barriers through scholarships like the Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship Program. Established in 2000, this program financially supports over 3,000 students annually, offering up to $5,000 per scholarship. This financial assistance ensures that all students, regardless of their economic background, can benefit from international education. Despite financial challenges, Sophia McGovern, a MiraCosta College graduate and Gilman Scholarship recipient, was able to study in Florence, Italy, during the summer of 2022.

This experience significantly enriched her education, broadening her cultural understanding and equipping her with highly valued skills in the global job market. Sophia is now pursuing a degree in environmental systems at the University of California, San Diego. MiraCosta College is uniquely positioned to democratize international education and prepare students for the global economy.

By integrating global perspectives into our curriculum and providing opportunities for international experiences, we empower our students to develop the adaptability, problem-solving skills, and cross-cultural communication abilities employers demand. In connecting our students to the world, MiraCosta College is not just enhancing their education—we are preparing them to be the leaders and innovators the business community needs for a successful future. For more information on study abroad opportunities at MiraCosta College, visit
