The City of Carlsbad needs your feedback. A parking study is underway for the Village, Barrio and nearby beach area to improve existing parking conditions and encourage alternative ways to getting to these busy neighborhoods which include biking, walking, and the use of public transportation. Project team members are currently talking to residents in these communities, conducting field interviews, and collecting data on the use of public and private parking spaces, during peak and non-peak dates and times. The San Diego Association of Governments is assisting with the data collection and analysis. You can provide your input by filling out this survey online. The city will hold a public meeting later this summer. The study and resulting parking management plan will include ideas that can be implemented right away and longer term strategies that can be implemented over the next five to 10 years. “Planning for parking is part art and part science,” said Pam Drew, city planner and project manager for the parking study. “The technical part of analyzing usage and designing parking lots is relatively straight forward. At the end of the day, it’s the community, not the data, that will tell us if our parking plan will work.” Public input is also needed on the latest draft of the Village and Barrio Master Plan. Findings from the parking study will be incorporated into the master plan once it is complete. The parking study is expected to be complete in summer 2017. For more information about the parking study and the Village and Barrio Master Plan, visit
