NOTE: Deadline for submissions has been extended. If you would like to be considered, submit your entry by Thursday, Feb. 20

Is your business a members of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce? If so, we want to hear what led you to start your business for a special feature that will run in the March issue of the Carlsbad Business Journal. That edition will be a celebration of small businesses. We know that our members have great stories about what led them to start their own businesses, and we want to share them with the world! Did you leave a career to pursue a passion? Did you have an idea for a product and service that you just had to bring to life? Tell us about that moment when you first decided to start your own business and we may publish in in the Carlsbad Business Journal. Share your story with us and help us inspire future entrepreneurs. To participate, send a short description of how you started your business (100 words or less) and email it to editor José A. López at [email protected]. We will choose some of the most inspiring, unique stories to share with our reader. You can also use the form below to send us your submission. [vfb id=5]