Patriot Roofing is a custom residential roofing contract company, specializing in all aspects of re-roof and new construction. They have performed 3,000 plus installations and counting. Their goal is to change the face of the roofing contract business with professionalism and accountability.
Executive's name: Dave Mann
Title: President
Company name: Patriot Roofing, Incorporated
Address: 2131 Las Palmas Drive, Suite E
Carlsbad, CA 92011
Phone: 888-749-7663
Web site:
Founded: October 5, 1995
Prior experience: Marketing and advertising sales

Source of starting capital: $15,000 credit line
2003 revenues: $1,200,000
2004 revenues: $2,100,000
Average hours worked weekly: 60
Number of teammates: 35

Residence: La Costa
Family: Wife, Jodi and daughters Lauren (8 yrs), Ellie (1 yr)
Hobbies: Football, golf and race horses
What got you into this business? Roofing was the one trade I thought I had the greatest room for change and improvement.
What makes your business a standout? Our commitment to achieving "Nordstrom-style" service allows us to differentiate ourselves from the competition.
Drawbacks to your line of business: Workers compensation and uninsured competition.
Why is your company located in Carlsbad? In order to take advantage of the resources and advancing business development we are located in the most successful city in the county.
How do you plan to grow? By marketing our commitment to service, professionalism and community!
Toughest career decision: Downsizing the business in 2002 in order to overcome cancer.
Ongoing challenges: Unlicensed and uninsured contractors who take advantage of the local customer base.
Best way to stay competitive: Over-promise and over-deliver and still continue to hold ourselves accountable to our customers.
In five years, where would you like your business to be? The premier custom roofing contractor in all of San Diego county.
What does your company contribute to the Carlsbad community? We are striving to set the example for business ethics and care. We also enthusiastically sponsor youth sports and causes
What are your guiding principles? Truly educating our homeowners so they can protect themselves and treat the customer with the same respect we would our moms…and we love our moms!
What's one thing other people do not know about you? My family owned and I was raised on a 600 cow dairy farm.
What would you change if you could do it all over again? I would save more money knowing that cash flow is the key to surviving the early years as an entrepreneur.
Choice for a second career: To someday build custom homes and coach high school football in Carlsbad.

People you look up to and why: My mom, Joyce, for teaching me to never hold grudges; my stepfather, Hal, for teaching me ethics and honesty; my father, Jim, for his example of survival and my wife, Jodi, who makes me feel like I can conquer the world.
Favorite movie: Braveheart, Dances With Wolves and Bull Durham
Favorite quote: "Commitment before ego"
Advice for new entrepreneurs: Never ask why, ask WHY NOT?!!
