Jazzercise is the world’s leading dance-fitness program with more than 6,300 instructors teaching 20,000 classes weekly in the U.S. and around the globe. Since 1969, millions of people of all ages and fitness levels have reaped the benefits of this comprehensive program, designed to enhance cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility. They develop and market fun and effective fitness programs and products that enhance the well-being of people of all ages.
Executive's name: Judi Sheppard Missett
Title: Founder and CEO
Company name: Jazzercise
Address: 2460 Impala Dr.
Carlsbad, CA 920010
Phone: (760) 476-1750 (800) FIT-IS-IT
Website: jazzercise.com
Founded: 1969

Prior experience: Dancing, singing and acting in theater productions; teaching jazz and dance classes.
Source of starting capital: Private funds
2003 revenues: $18,900,000
2004 revenues: $ 19,800,000
Average hours worked weekly: I have no idea because my work is my life and every minute is a lot of fun!
Number of teammates: 150

Residence: Oceanside, Idyllwild and Rancho Mirage
Family: Husband, Jack; daughter, Shanna; son, Brendan; son-in-law, Chad; granddaughter, Skyla and another grandchild on the way
Hobbies: Hiking, spending time in the mountains and desert, reading mystery novels, supporting the arts in whatever way I can.

What got you into this business?
I was a student at Northwestern University in Chicago, taught professional dance classes and was performing with a professional company. Students would come and go, so I searched for ways to improve retention. One day it dawned on me that my students attended the class to lose weight, have fun and get in shape, not to become professional Broadway dancers. As an experiment, I turned them away from the mirrors and based exercise moves on what I did in jazz dance technique, giving them lots of positive encouragement. My students loved the concept, and I soon doubled and tripled class attendance until the room was packed.

When we moved from Chicago to California, I started teaching the dance classes for the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department. Word spread about Jazzercise, and the program exploded with women from all over the area attending the classes. To keep the participant numbers to a manageable level, the city department began limiting participation to individuals with a Carlsbad street address, but that didn't stop some, who signed up for P.O. boxes in Carlsbad so they could attend the Jazzercise classes.

What makes your business a standout?
In an industry where things come and go, we maintain a strong lead because we're fun, have integrity and excellence in mind. We're very customer service oriented.

Why is your company located in Carlsbad?
My husband's family was located here when we moved from Chicago in 1972, so this was the logical place to come and grow the business.

How do you plan to grow?
Continue to develop strong business plans for franchises, great choreography for the Jazzercise program and to not be afraid to take chances and risks when needed.

Ongoing challenges:
Develop our franchises into strong and competitive business people. Because we're primarily a female-based company, it's often tough to get women to understand what's needed and to make changes that are appropriate based on unemotional decisions.

Best way to stay competitive:
More instructors, more classes, more customers. We want our customers to feel comfortable in a Jazzercise class atmosphere and non-competitive as well, as though they are working out with friends and family.

What does your company contribute to the Carlsbad community?
The Jazzercise philosophy is always to give back to the community, and we do that by participating in many charity functions, fairs, parades and sporting event warm-ups. As a corporation, our international headquarters are in Carlsbad, and that draws a large number of visitors to the area. The Studio Space at our corporate headquarters is also home to New Village Arts Theater, and they perform several plays there each year. One of my philosophies has always been to do business with other businesses located in the area. I try to put Carlsbad on the map whether I'm writing a newspaper column or doing a TV show.

What are your guiding principles?
Do your passion, and do it well with integrity. Don't be afraid to take chances and risks. Be a lifelong learner. Learn from successes as well as your failures and anything else that's put out in front of you. Keep your life as balanced as possible between business, professional and personal. Have fun with everything that you do and create winning situations. Leave an imprint on your industry and on others. Try to always make things different and better.

What's one thing other people do not know about you?
I'm shy.

What would you change if you could do it all over again?
I'd listen more to my gut, to that little voice that speaks within, that's your voice of truth.

Choice for a second career:
Theater, either performing or producing. I already create theatrical experiences for people and love doing that so I would do it on an even larger scale.

People you look up to and why:
My mom, for leading the way! All the people I work with, for lifting me up and making me better than I ever thought I could be.

Favorite movie:
Singin' in the Rain and Flying Down to Rio

Favorite quote:
Eleanor Roosevelt: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

Advice for new entrepreneurs:
Do your passion and be prepared to work your butt off!
