H.R. 8, S. 420 (HULSHOF; R – MO-9) Permanent Repeal of the Death Tax. This bill would permanently repeal the death tax, which is currently scheduled to sunset in 2010. Status: 9/7/2005 Senate floor actions. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.
S.5 (GRASSLEY; R-IA) Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 – Amends the Federal judicial code to specify the calculation of contingent and other attorney’s fees in proposed class action settlements that provide for the award of coupons to class members.
Status: Became Public Law No: 109-2

AB 528 (FROMMER; D- Glendale) Predatory litigation – Increases predatory lawsuits and opens the door to the very type of litigation the voters of California sought to stop through the passage of Proposition 64 by expanding the potential for frivolous litigation on alleged violations of permits, regulations, and statutes.
Status: Inactive file

SB 109 (ORTIZ; D- Sacramento) Excessive litigation – Increases litigation costs and potential lawsuits by allowing for both civil and criminal penalties for specified air quality violations.
Status: 09/08/2005- Motion to reconsider continued to next legislative session.

SB 840 (KUEHL ; D- Los Angeles) Government-run health care – Imposes a government-run health care system on all Californians.
Status: Read second time. Amended. Re-referred to Committee on Rules.

These updates have been written in conjunction with our Public Policy Guide
