Executive's name: Genie Sutton
Title: Owner
Company name: Beehive Waxing and Salon of Carlsbad
Address: 2564 State St., Ste. E
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: (760) 729-5200
Web site: www.beehivewaxingsalon.com
Founded: January 2004
Prior experience: I owned a waxing business in Del Mar and I sold it to a family member. The business is still there today. I have been in the beauty industry for twenty years.

Source of starting capital: Personal savings
Average hours worked weekly: 80 hours
Number of teammates: 8

Residence: Oceanside for the past 13 years
Family: Three sisters, three nieces and two little dogs (my kids in fur coats)
Hobbies: Sewing and decorating, although I haven't had much time for hobbies lately.
What got you into this business? I have always really liked the beauty business, even at a young age. Later in life when I was afforded the opportunity to attend school at night I got my esthetician's license.
What makes your business a standout? Beehive "specializes". It's not a side service. It's personal, private and we make people feel comfortable. All of the staff members are highly trained. It's a feminine atmosphere but we offer male services as well. We like to "give back" to our customers and provide perks. This is a very clean facility, which is a tremendous plus to us and our clients and we take pride in our shop. We have an awesome reputation and people seek us out from all sorts of distant places. So we have clientele that isn't local. It's just a great team of people working together, I think. The girls and I are like family. I trust them and their judgment. We're all empowered to help our customers.
Drawbacks to your line of business: We're not a big spa offering every single kind of beauty service which is good and bad. We're not a one-stop shop for everything, only waxing but we can refer to a lot of places. We're a good referral source. If we don't do it here I'm all about referrals because I do believe in karma.
Why is your company located in Carlsbad? Carlsbad is a close coastal city. It offered a unique and pleasant atmosphere for my business.
How do you plan to grow? We're probably going to have to move locations because growth is just happening exponentially. I didn't sit here with a flow chart and plot out my growth, the business is just flourishing and our reputation precedes us.
Toughest career decision: It was hard to step out of the office environment and step out on my own. I'm glad I did. The big push was people walking around saying things like: "Only twenty-three more years until retirement." It got depressing and I realized it wasn't for me.
Ongoing challenges: Keeping a good staff, trying to cut down my hours to a more realistic expectation, wearing all the hats and performing all the functions I need to within the time I have and delegating…but this too shall pass.
Best way to stay competitive: Do good work, maintain a good reputation and retain good people. Also, stay focused, go forward with year original plan. Try not to get off track.
In five years, where would you like your business to be? I would like it to be in Carlsbad, but at a larger venue.
What does your company contribute to the community? Free thongs! (Just kidding). We contribute to just about every charity that asks, like the Humane Society, Camp Pendleton and Chamber of Commerce
What are your guiding principles? Honesty and fairness and being forthright in general are my guiding principles. If you do these things you're going to be on the right track in anything you do. No matter your race or religion, if you're doing the right thing you win.
What would you change if you could do it all over again? I would have started out with a bigger facility. But as they say, hindsight is always 20/20.
Choice for a second career: Probably something dealing with animals.

Favorite movie: Old Wives Club
Favorite quote: "99% of life is showing up."
Advice for new entrepreneurs: Hold your focus. 'Keep that thought' so to speak, whatever it may be. Have a plan and try to stick to it.

Beehive Waxing Salon of Carlsbad invites you to their "Wax-a-thong" on March 5, 2006 from 10a.m. to 4p.m. Receive a free thong with each bikini waxing. Special pricing, limited menu and two services per person are being offered. Proceeds of this event will go to the North County Humane Society.
