The Good Feet Companies designs and manufactures arch supports in Carlsbad and makes them available to the buying public through a network of franchised and company-owned Good Feet arch support stores throughout the United States, Canada and Asian markets.

Executive's name: David Workman
Title: President
Company name: The Good Feet Companies
Address: 2770 Cosmos Ct.
Phone: (760) 804-0751
Founded: 1995
Prior experience: Vice President Escort Radar Detector

Source of starting capital: Private equity
2004 revenues: $8.5 million
2005 revenues: Approaching $10 million
Average hours worked weekly: 50
Number of teammates: 35

Residence: Carlsbad
Family: Two wonderful children and a first grandchild on the way.
Hobbies: Exploring everything within 100 miles of Carlsbad.

What got you into this business? It was a great business opportunity with franchisees passionate about helping others.

What makes your business a standout? Innovative products, unique marketing and delivery.

Drawbacks to your line of business: We are a retail business model with a product that is considered a medical assist device. This presents challenges with the medical professional who does not understand our business.

Why is your company located in Carlsbad? We were in Oceanside and found Carlsbad to be reasonably close for our employees. Also we considered it an outstanding community.

How do you plan to grow? We are marketing our franchise and constantly working on product development.

Toughest career decision: Deciding to come out of retirement and relocate from the Midwest to California.

Ongoing challenges: Franchise territorial definition
Best way to stay competitive: Be the best at whatever you do.

In five years, where would you like your business to be? We currently have over 130 stores nationwide. In five years, I expect to have 400 stores and a growing global presence.

What does your company contribute to the Carlsbad community? We want to be good corporate citizens, employers and participants in our local community.

What are your guiding principles? Integrity first, play all the cards on top of the table and "keep it simple."

What's one thing other people do not know about you? I was a drummer in my younger years.

What would you change if you could do it all over again? Nothing. I like it just the way it is.

Choice for a second career: Travel agent.

People you look up to and why: People who take the most from the life they are given.

Favorite movie: Sister Act

Favorite quote: "Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." ~ Calvin Coolidge.

Advice for new entrepreneurs: Surround yourself with great people, great ideas and keep your life in balance.
