Opening Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive is important to the completion of Carlsbad's traffic circulation plan. When complete, Faraday Avenue will connect a 414-acre industrial park in Carlsbad to Vista, and the extension of Melrose Drive will connect Palomar Airport Road with the Vista Business Park.
The Faraday Avenue extension will be about 1.3 miles, from Orion Street to Melrose Drive. The Melrose extension is about a half a mile. The extension of Melrose Drive & Faraday Avenue will cost about $24 million, and was paid for by developers of the commercial centers.
When are the roads going to be complete?
The Melrose extension should be completed sometime in July or August of 2006, if all the construction activities are completed on-time. The north bound side was complete last month however, there are still lingering construction issues affecting the timing of the opening of the south bound side. City engineers are studying the impact of whether the road can be opened until all construction is complete. The Faraday Avenue extension will be complete in early 2007.
When will the roads be open to the public?
Under the terms of a 2004 legal settlement between the cities of Carlsbad and Vista, Carlsbad agreed to open both Melrose and Faraday simultaneously. The official opening date is planned for the first quarter of 2007.
Why can't Melrose Drive be opened first?
In 2003, the City of Vista filed a lawsuit against the City of Carlsbad as a result of a private development proposal located in Carlsbad. Following past practice and their understanding of the law, Carlsbad moved to approve the project, requiring the developer to mitigate impacts only within Carlsbad's borders.
Vista disagreed with this decision, and initiated litigation to cover the anticipated impacts of the development on their city. A lower court judge preliminarily agreed with Vista. Rather than litigate further, Carlsbad and Vista agreed to work out an agreement to open these important roads as soon as possible.
The agreement calls for both roads to be opened simultaneously. Informal talks have taken place between the cities of Carlsbad and Vista to explore the legal and practical aspects of opening Melrose before Faraday is complete.
Before Melrose can be opened, there are several outstanding issues that need to be addressed. , The city council will consider actions on these issues in July. Some of the issues include the following:
The Carlsbad and Vista Councils must accept the new settlement agreement to open Melrose before Faraday.
Eastbound lanes on Palomar Airport Road to northbound Melrose turn lanes need to be completed, estimated at 2-4 weeks.
Signal modifications and striping reconfiguration needs to be completed for interim intersection.
Currently, if everything goes as planned, Melrose could possibly be open before the summer is over.
The Faraday Avenue extension will be about 1.3 miles, from Orion Street to Melrose Drive. The Melrose extension is about a half a mile. The extension of Melrose Drive & Faraday Avenue will cost about $24 million, and was paid for by developers of the commercial centers.
When are the roads going to be complete?
The Melrose extension should be completed sometime in July or August of 2006, if all the construction activities are completed on-time. The north bound side was complete last month however, there are still lingering construction issues affecting the timing of the opening of the south bound side. City engineers are studying the impact of whether the road can be opened until all construction is complete. The Faraday Avenue extension will be complete in early 2007.
When will the roads be open to the public?
Under the terms of a 2004 legal settlement between the cities of Carlsbad and Vista, Carlsbad agreed to open both Melrose and Faraday simultaneously. The official opening date is planned for the first quarter of 2007.
Why can't Melrose Drive be opened first?
In 2003, the City of Vista filed a lawsuit against the City of Carlsbad as a result of a private development proposal located in Carlsbad. Following past practice and their understanding of the law, Carlsbad moved to approve the project, requiring the developer to mitigate impacts only within Carlsbad's borders.
Vista disagreed with this decision, and initiated litigation to cover the anticipated impacts of the development on their city. A lower court judge preliminarily agreed with Vista. Rather than litigate further, Carlsbad and Vista agreed to work out an agreement to open these important roads as soon as possible.
The agreement calls for both roads to be opened simultaneously. Informal talks have taken place between the cities of Carlsbad and Vista to explore the legal and practical aspects of opening Melrose before Faraday is complete.
Before Melrose can be opened, there are several outstanding issues that need to be addressed. , The city council will consider actions on these issues in July. Some of the issues include the following:
The Carlsbad and Vista Councils must accept the new settlement agreement to open Melrose before Faraday.
Eastbound lanes on Palomar Airport Road to northbound Melrose turn lanes need to be completed, estimated at 2-4 weeks.
Signal modifications and striping reconfiguration needs to be completed for interim intersection.
Currently, if everything goes as planned, Melrose could possibly be open before the summer is over.