Name of Company: CPS Printing
Product/Service: Printing
Date Joined the Chamber: June 10, 1986

1. What would you like the community of Carlsbad to know about any new products or services you provide or are currently developing?
CPS Printing recently acquired the building next door to our current location on Faraday to facilitate our growth. We started about a year and a half ago diversifying into the digital printing market, which has been a great benefit to our clients, specifically in two areas: personalizing direct mail for a higher response rate and allowing us to accommodate short runs at a much lower cost than offset printing. This is allowing us to provide more options to our existing clients as well as offer cost effective solutions to new clients, requiring that we add more space and staff.

2. What do you like about being located in the City of Carlsbad or North County?
We've always enjoyed the Carlsbad environment since we had our building constructed here in 1994. It is a well run, well financed community. The city planners set the bar high when we were building, with requirements for parking ratios, landscaping and a recycled water program, but these benefit all. We also like the 2 inch view of the ocean we have from our second floor office windows!

3. What local factors have contributed to your company's success and what has the community done to facilitate that?
Our employees enjoy living and working in North County because the environment is upbeat & positive, which lends itself to being a well rounded community. Plus our company has benefited from the continued growth in North County over the last 12+ years. We're happy to support our community by being a sponsor for the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad, and we are also helping sponsor their new facility, which is still on the drawing board.
