Since 1993, the City of Carlsbad has been implementing a very successful Inclusionary Housing Program which provides affordable housing for low income households in Carlsbad. The City's ordinance is considered to be one of the best in California and definitely has been more successful than most in producing affordable housing.

The program's success is directly attributable to the master housing developers and their affordable housing developer partners within Carlsbad. Since 1993, the City has been able to provide for 1715 units of affordable housing for lower income households. We have an additional 277 currently under construction or pending construction, and approximately 344 in various planning stages. This amounts to a total of 2336 units. This inventory of affordable housing units includes apartments (1804), for-sale condominiums or town homes (356) and second dwelling units (176).

Affordable housing is very important to our community in many ways. First and foremost, it provides a diversity of housing product which allows people who work in Carlsbad to also live in Carlsbad. In the last census, the City learned that 70% of the people who work in Carlsbad live in another City. For many, the reason has been the lack of affordable housing.

In his Washington Post Article entitled "Homes for Everyone" (dated August 7, 2005), David Broder wrote about Carlsbad's Inclusionary Housing Program. He said the city's program "offers a model solution for a growing national problem, the shortage of affordable housing close to the jobs people hold."

Affordable housing within our community can help reduce traffic and help with economic development. If people live in another community, they are also spending their money in another community. By providing affordable housing, we benefit as a community by reducing traffic congestion, provide a diverse employee supply, increase spending within our community, and provide many other benefits represented by a more diverse population.

For the City, it is not enough to simply count housing units and meet State and regional requirements. For Carlsbad, the Inclusionary Housing Program is more about the people served by the housing and those they serve.

A survey of the people living within the various affordable housing complexes in Carlsbad indicate that the average household has a female heading it who is separated, divorced or single. She is 26 to 45 years of age and typically has 1 to 2 children. She has an annual household income of between $10,000 and $35,000 and works in Carlsbad in a service, sales, or office occupation.

The people living within our affordable housing complexes are contributors to the community in a variety of ways. They serve you coffee in the morning, check you in at a local hotel, sell you clothes and other products, teach, counsel, provide child and health care, and assist with many other needed services. Each person involved in the effort to provide affordable housing within Carlsbad should give himself/herself a big pat on the back because these efforts truly help people in need, and those people then help us all in return!
