Many small business owners have found that traditional methods of advertising have become overcrowded, and the message conveyed is lost in the clutter. For this reason, many of today's businesses around the country are deciding to use their loyal customer base as a starting point to jump-start their marketing efforts. Businesses found that in addition to being a more effective marketing campaign, this method was economical. The marketplace has changed, why not change with it?
The problem
Over the years all of us in North County have received thousands of offers in our mailboxes ranging from mortgage companies, credit card companies, dual-pane windows, painters, banks, landscapers and long-term insurance, among others. Consequently, the average small business owner no longer stands a chance at using the mail to get out their message any more. And because the average homeowner is overwhelmed by this clutter every day, a lot the mail sent is unlikely to make it inside the house.
The solution
Bring your customers to your business via e-mail. Contact your loyal customers, thank them for their business and give them offers to visit again. Consider throwing these customers something extra on their birthdays; who doesn't like get something on their birthday? And because they are satisfied, they will refer additional customers to your business. Really, isn't it easier to sell to your existing customers, than it is to create new ones?
All this can be done inexpensively using e-mail. The marketplace has changed substantially; more people use their computer than the Yellow Pages. Therefore, it is important to change the means of your marketing strategy. Additionally, choose a company with a local web-site that has a cross-marketing directory so that while consumers may be looking for the best offers at their favorite restaurants, they may also run across other good bargains and services as well. Members of a community marketing with one another has been the spiritual backbone of local chambers. Today, the Internet has given local businesses in Encinitas and Carlsbad the opportunity to connect at a fraction of what the mailers cost to produce and send out. Besides, your mailman and the environment will thank you.
For more information contact Rick H. Bolton at
The problem
Over the years all of us in North County have received thousands of offers in our mailboxes ranging from mortgage companies, credit card companies, dual-pane windows, painters, banks, landscapers and long-term insurance, among others. Consequently, the average small business owner no longer stands a chance at using the mail to get out their message any more. And because the average homeowner is overwhelmed by this clutter every day, a lot the mail sent is unlikely to make it inside the house.
The solution
Bring your customers to your business via e-mail. Contact your loyal customers, thank them for their business and give them offers to visit again. Consider throwing these customers something extra on their birthdays; who doesn't like get something on their birthday? And because they are satisfied, they will refer additional customers to your business. Really, isn't it easier to sell to your existing customers, than it is to create new ones?
All this can be done inexpensively using e-mail. The marketplace has changed substantially; more people use their computer than the Yellow Pages. Therefore, it is important to change the means of your marketing strategy. Additionally, choose a company with a local web-site that has a cross-marketing directory so that while consumers may be looking for the best offers at their favorite restaurants, they may also run across other good bargains and services as well. Members of a community marketing with one another has been the spiritual backbone of local chambers. Today, the Internet has given local businesses in Encinitas and Carlsbad the opportunity to connect at a fraction of what the mailers cost to produce and send out. Besides, your mailman and the environment will thank you.
For more information contact Rick H. Bolton at