While on a family vacation three years ago, John Pou played in the surf with his son, Chase, unaware that his life was about to change forever.
John stood in waist deep water as he watched Chase safely ride a boogie board to shore. Moments later, John dove over a wave, his head collided with a sandbar and immediately his entire body went limp.
Suddenly and without warning, John was paralyzed. He shattered his C-5 vertebrae, causing spinal cord damage.
“I was told by my doctors that I would probably never move anything below my shoulders again and would be confined to a power chair for the rest of my life,” John said.
His wife, Marci, was constantly researching topics about spinal cord injury recovery and found an article about Project Walk. Located in Carlsbad, Project Walk is the most experienced exercise-based spinal cord injury recovery center in the world.
The Pou's visited the Project Walk Web site, which highlighted numerous stories of paralyzed people who were fighting to recover. The stories made quite an impression on them and they decided to visit because, although John had attended physical therapy at two hospitals, Project Walk seemed much different.
They toured the center with its founder, Ted Dardzinski, who explained that Project Walk is focused on client recovery through specific nervous system stimulation and very hard work. The Pou's knew they had to give it a shot and John began Project Walk on June 26, 2006.
“We purchased a home in Carlsbad because we fell in love with the city and its exceptional school system,” John said. “It was hard to leave our home in North Carolina, but we know we made the right decision.”
John attends Project Walk three days a week and although not walking yet, he has greatly improved.
“When John started our program, he had one of the most severe spinal cord injuries we had seen,” Dardzinski said. “Since that day, his recovery has been tremendous. With his amazing family and support from the community, John will continue to work hard, and with the help of our spinal cord injury recovery specialists, will continue to improve.”
John's progress, along with many other clients, will be showcased from 1 to 5 p.m. Nov. 1 at Project Walk's 2008 Steps to Recovery event. Located at Project Walk, 2738 W. Loker Ave., the free event will include a silent auction, live band, vendors, raffle and refreshments.
For more information, call (760) 431-9789 or visit www.projectwalk.org.
