Getting started:
Assessing yourself
Are you ready to start your own business? Could you really do it? Should you? Will you? There are myriad steps to accomplish on the road to starting a successful business. But first, ask yourself a few questions to decide if you are ready, willing and able to take on this exhilarating challenge:
• Do I have a sound, well-thought idea for my business?
• Do I have the necessary acumen about my chosen industry, or have access to the know-how?
• Do I have the energy and time to invest in my business goal?
• Do I have the desire to succeed and the willingness to make certain sacrifices to get my business dream off the ground?
• Do I have a realistic idea of what I can expect to invest (both time and money) to make my business a success?
If you have answered a solid “Yes” to these questions, you at least owe it to yourself to give your business dream your best try. The programs, workshops and clinics offered by the Carlsbad Chamberof Commerce can start you on the right path. Don't overlook the many resources available in your community, and we can help you find them.
The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and the Carlsbad Business Journal are dedicated to helping our small business members thrive through networking, training and counseling. This page is an excellent place to start, and to check in along the way.
Assessing yourself
Are you ready to start your own business? Could you really do it? Should you? Will you? There are myriad steps to accomplish on the road to starting a successful business. But first, ask yourself a few questions to decide if you are ready, willing and able to take on this exhilarating challenge:
• Do I have a sound, well-thought idea for my business?
• Do I have the necessary acumen about my chosen industry, or have access to the know-how?
• Do I have the energy and time to invest in my business goal?
• Do I have the desire to succeed and the willingness to make certain sacrifices to get my business dream off the ground?
• Do I have a realistic idea of what I can expect to invest (both time and money) to make my business a success?
If you have answered a solid “Yes” to these questions, you at least owe it to yourself to give your business dream your best try. The programs, workshops and clinics offered by the Carlsbad Chamberof Commerce can start you on the right path. Don't overlook the many resources available in your community, and we can help you find them.
The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and the Carlsbad Business Journal are dedicated to helping our small business members thrive through networking, training and counseling. This page is an excellent place to start, and to check in along the way.