Carlsbad High School grads toss their caps in celebration after their
June 14 was a special day for more than 700 Carlsbad Unified School District students and their families.
After entering kindergarten as wide-eyed youngsters a dozen years ago, they graduated from high school, eager to achieve their dreams.
In the morning, more than 60 Carlsbad Seaside Academy (CSA) and Carlsbad Village Academy (CVA) seniors made sure that their facility's last hurrah, the program moves to Carlsbad High next fall, was a hearty hurrah.
"The Academy turned my life around and enabled me to graduate on time," said CVA Valedictorian Briana Hurley. "Here at a smaller school, I could get away from all the drama and focus on my studies."
It worked: having graduated with a 3.6 GPA, Briana plans to attend MiraCosta and intends to become a journalist.
In the evening, hundreds of proud parents and well-wishers parked at the sparkling new parking lot and elsewhere around the beautifully renovated Carlsbad High School (CHS) campus to celebrate the graduation of approximately 660 ecstatic seniors.
CHS' annual graduation rate of 95 percent or more exceeds the statewide average by about 15 percentage points. Typically, nearly nine out of 10 CHS graduates pursues higher education, including at prestigious universities nationwide.
After the evening ceremony, the newly minted grads celebrated at Disneyland all night and slept all the next day. Ah, youth!
