Discover the history and tranquil beauty of a former working ranchero during the City of Carlsbad's free weekend tours of Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park, located at 6200 Flying Leo Carrillo Lane in southeast Carlsbad. The 90-minute, docent-led tours are held Saturdays at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and Sundays at noon and 2 p.m. Wear comfortable walking shoes or boots. Tours depart from the parking lot. Reservations are not required.

Once owned by actor and conservationist Leo Carrillo, the ranch is secluded in the heart of a magnificently landscaped 27-acre canyon. The historic park features hand-crafted adobe buildings, antique windmills, a reflecting pool and many other beautiful historic structures where visitors can explore and experience California history. Nature-lovers delight in gorgeous agave, bougainvillea, Birds of Paradise, plentiful trees and the company of dozens of brilliant peacocks who call the ranch home. Leo Carrillo Ranch is a designated Historic National Landmark that was opened to the public by the City of Carlsbad in 2003. It is connected to the citywide trails system via the four-mile long Rancho Carrillo trail.

The Ranch was established in the late 1930s by Leo Carrillo, best known for his Hollywood role as "Pancho" in The Cisco Kid. Some of the visitors back in the day included Clark Gable, along with other legends shown in exhibit photos throughout the ranch detailing the history of the property and its owner.
