The essence of this column is to share some thoughts from one of the best business success authors in America, Harvey Mackay the noted author of “Swimming With the Sharks."

His fourth book is titled "Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty."
One of his techniques is to print a Mackay’s Maxim at the end of each chapter. I would like to share of few of those from this book as they will help you focus on networking as a step to success.

• Up the proverbial creek? If you've got a network, you've always got a paddle.

• Networking may not be rocket science, but studies prove it works for rocket scientists.

• There is always a place in the dugout for anyone who can pick off the other team's signs.

• Prepare to win. Then prepare to dazzle. Then prepare for the yes.

• It does matter how they remember you, but it's more important that they do remember you.

• The really big networking mistakes people make in their lives come from the risks they never take.

• People aren't strangers if you've already met them. The trick is to meet them before you need their help.

• Rule #1: Listen to your boss. Rule #2: Know whom your boss listens to.

• When two people exchange dollar bills, each has only one dollar. When two people exchange networks, they each have two networks.

• One reason that people are afraid to network is that they don't want to hear the word no. But no is the second-best answer there is. At least you know where you stand.

Always remember you don't want to hear the following from your client."Knock, Knock. Who is there? Not you anymore."

I will end with this Mackay quote,"I don't know what I will be doing a year from now, but whatever it is undoubtedly will be based on the contacts I made today.”

Check periodically to see if your net is working.
