In lieu of my traditional positive thinking thoughts, I want to craft this column as a thank you for our first responders who literally saved our city from destruction with their professionalism, bravery and dedication.

I went through my library and found several quotes that epitomize or describe police and firefighters. If you want to send a letter to thank them, here are some thoughts.

• The wise man does not expose himself needlessly to danger, since there are few things for which he cares sufficiently; but his is willing, in great crisis, to give even his life, knowing that under certain circumstances it is not worthwhile to live., Aristotle

• The cost of a thing is the amount of what I call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run., Henry David Thoreau

• Commitment. We're talking the heavy, deep man/woman on a mission stuff. When the grenades are flying, the committed person doesn't go AWOL. There is nothing more powerful than emotional equity., Christine Comaford

• Bravery. All of us must learn this lesson somewhere, that it costs something to be what we are.,Shirley Abbott

Our first responders are amazing.

With thousands of homes and businesses in the city only five homes, 18 apartments and one commercial building were destroyed. Four homes and one business were heavily damaged, while 22 residences had minor damage.

More than 800 acres were scorched and only one fatality.
Amazing is not adequate to describe their actions. I will end with these thoughts.

• We have a problem. "Congratulations." But it's a tough problem. "Then double congratulations.", W. Clement Stone

• There is nothing we cannot live down, rise above or overcome. Just stand back and watch our men and women perform miracles.

Thank you very much to the men and women of Carlsbad that stand the test every time the bell rings.
