The City of Carlsbad recently unveiled, a website dedicated to attracting talented professionals to our local companies by providing information, images, videos and other resources showcasing Carlsbad as an ideal place to live and work.

Creating the Life In Action website is another significant step in the City of Carlsbad Economic Development Division's endeavor to recruit and retain bright, talented men and women to our variety of world-class companies.

The city has taken an active role in attracting talent because we realize that hiring the right person can make a big difference in a company's success, and we want to do our part to contribute to that success. This is truly the forefront of economic development and isn't a common practice among cities, but we see it as a way to help our region compete in the global economy. Life in Action is a way of spreading the word that Carlsbad is a special place and share our unified voice of the corporate portfolio.

The Life in Action brand captures the superb quality of life that we experience in Carlsbad every day, on both a professional and personal level. Carlsbad is one of those rare places where scenic beauty intersects with an active lifestyle and an exciting professional career. As a result, our local environment helps shape our professional lives, and vice versa. It inspires us and moves us to achieve more.

The Life In Action website promotes our community by showing job seekers, site selectors, business startups and companies that Carlsbad is a good choice to live and work. Information includes facts on our major industry clusters of action sports, life sciences, technology and cleantech, data on commercial properties, and top 10 reasons to work in Carlsbad, such as "Google likes us. Carlsbad was California's eCity in 2013."

Visitors to the site will get statistics on key industries and their average salaries, and advice on networking organizations, places to dine, and even major attractions. They'll also be able to view CEO videos telling local business success stories.

The website includes facts and figures on our economy and introduces our regional colleges and universities. It also discusses Carlsbad's initiative to attract a higher education institution to Carlsbad.

The Life In Action website is another example of how we're working with our local businesses and regional partners, such as the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corp., industry trade associations, and other business advocates to spread the word that Carlsbad is a great place to build a career and live an active life. The city also has developed brochures and distributed them to local companies to share with associates and talent prospects.

We have incorporated an active social media campaign into the website, and while it does not serve as a jobs-seeking vehicle, it passes along updates on the local workforce and key industry trends.

This effort is a big step in promoting Carlsbad through the Life In Action brand by having it penetrate key industries so it circulates and resonates. Carlsbad is a special place, and when we look around our community we can't help but see Life In Action.
