By Kathleen Mandig Business Development Manager Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce

You’ve worked hard for your business, every day you strive to make it the best it can be; your clients see the rewards of this work and know how great you are, so isn’t it time for some recognition and celebration? One of the easiest ways to stand out from your competitors and ultimately help expand your business is to nominate yourself for local, regional, and national small business awards.

Business Awards are an effective way to gain recognition for yourself, your business and your employees. Awards bring you prestige and more traffic, and they enhance your credibility as a business. There is no shame in self-nomination, and there are opportunities for awards across all industries.

Here are the top reasons you should add awards to your marketing program:

Community Support. Whether you’re a local retail shop, small business consultant or national brand, being able to demonstrate that the community you are located in supports you is huge! Further, through the nomination process, your employees, clients, family and friends will help grow the community’s awareness and positive perception of your business.

To land new customers. Companies associated with awards, whether winners or nominees, are attractive to prospective clients. Awards help cast any possible doubts, and potential customers often make their purchasing decisions based on the decisions of other businesses like theirs. When prospective customers see that you’ve won an award, it can sway them to choose you over your competition because you’re seen as a stable and high-quality company.

To motivate and retain existing employees. The process alone of nominating yourself for an award can be a great team exercise; to really look at the company and the passion you have for the business. When employees are proud and reminded of their company’s achievements, they are more motivated and feel more connected. Bonus benefit: proud, passionate employees are likely to talk about the company more and in a positive light, furthering the positive perception.

To attract new employees. Awards help attract top talent. High-performing, highly skilled workers are drawn to and want to be a part of award-winning businesses, because they want to work for the leaders in their industry. While a business is competing for new clients, they are also competing for new talent and confirmation by awards will bring them in.

The Carlsbad Chamber’s Annual Small Business Awards Luncheon is quickly approaching, visit to nominate or view the awards categories. And don’t stop there, check for industry awards, and other local and national groups for additional award opportunities throughout the year. Add them into your calendar as reoccurring events, most programs will tweak add/change awards, and by having them in your calendar to check back on you will stay on top of future award opportunities as well.
