We share this article with every prospective member we speak to at the Carlsbad Chamber. In case we haven’t gotten to you yet, here is the intro to our Case for Becoming an Active Chamber Member Part 1 courtesy of Tony Rubleski. This is the first of seven posts we’ll be sharing with you for why becoming a chamber member is important for your business.

In a world loaded with marketing options and information overload, I’m often asked by new and existing business owners for a simple, inexpensive way to increase their local visibility and marketing efforts to produce more opportunities and sales. Without a doubt, I always ask a stunningly simple question: Are you a member of your local chamber of commerce? I get one of three answers:

1. Yes

2. No, but tell me more

3. We used to be a member

Now, I know every person has opinions, but I’d like you to take a moment to read this brief article to discover seven reasons why I strongly feel that every business and non-profit organization should be a member of their local chamber regardless of the size of their organization, marketing budget, years in business, or even if they’ve heard or possibly had a negative chamber experience in the past. In light of the current challenges in the economy, this article is even more relevant than when I first wrote it two-years ago.

1.  Access

Unless you’re crazy or like consistent rejection, no one enjoys making cold calls all day long. It’s a painful, tedious process that often wastes far too much time and mentally drains even the most upbeat and friendly person after a while. When you join a chamber and actively get involved, you’ll discover that meeting prospects who may have an interest or who can refer you to key contacts you’re trying to reach is a huge benefit of membership. From being on committees, serving as an ambassador, or attending specific events where prospects are likely to be, you’ll find yourself in situations where you can identify and meet decision makers face-to-face versus making cold calls.

Used with permission from “7 reasons every business & non-profit organization should be a member of their local chamber of commerce in a challenging economy.” by Tony Rubleski
