We continue the mini-series of “A Case for Becoming an Active Chamber Member: Visibility

2. Visibility

Yes, you’ve heard it said time and time again, that out of sight means out of mind. This is not a smart strategy for any business, especially when times are good. A market can change quickly. As Jim Collins says, good is the enemy of great. This is a great statement, but I’d like to add to it as it relates to marketing. While good is the enemy of great, complacency and short term thinking is the enemy of sustained marketing breakthroughs.

Let’s look at a real-world example of chamber complacency in action. Having worked with hundreds of chambers throughout North America, I’m simply baffled with how few real estate agents and automotive sales reps are either non-existent or barely active within their local chamber. In these two highly-competitive and crowded markets, you’d think these folks would do anything to stand out from the competition and fully leverage the chamber to get an edge. Nope. It’s as if they have no idea the local chamber exists and how it can benefit their business.

Click here to read part one

Used with permission from “7 reasons every business & non-profit organization should be a member of their local chamber of commerce in a challenging economy.” by Tony Rubleski
