Dr. Ben Churchhill
Carlsbad Unified School District 

Carlsbad Unified School District is ready and eager to welcome our 11,000 students to the 2021-22 School Year. We look forward to this fresh start and a healthy, challenging year of learning and growing.

We all endured a year like no other last year, and I am immensely grateful to our dedicated teachers, staff, and administrators, who rose to the occasion for our students. The pandemic closed schools in March of 2020, and our teachers did exceptional work in adapting their instructional programs to a virtual, online format.

Ahead of the curve, Carlsbad Unified was among the first districts to reopen in the county. High-needs special education and preschool students came back to school daily in September 2020; our elementary schools opened in a hybrid format, also in September, with daily, in-person instruction beginning in January; and, by the end of March, we had daily, in-person instruction at all of our schools, kindergarten through twelfth grade. Further, all students were allowed to choose to continue distance learning instruction as an alternative.

So what do we expect this new year to look like? COVID-19 cases in our area are low, vaccination rates are high, and life is beginning to look more “normal” for all of us.

Schools at all 15 of our campuses will return to pre-pandemic bell schedules, and all of our high schools will start at 8:30 a.m. to comply with new legislative requirements.

Brunch and lunch will be served on campus, and clubs and athletics will continue. “Specials” at the elementary level (music, art, PE, etc.) and elective courses at the secondary level will be offered on campus without additional restrictions.

Schools at all 15 CUSD campuses will return to pre-pandemic bell schedules, and all high schools will start at 8:30 a.m. to comply with legislative requirements.

We will continue to offer the K-12 independent study program at Carlsbad Seaside Academy (CSA) to serve students who choose to continue learning remotely. Dual enrollment opportunities will continue for students in grades 6-12, allowing them to take virtual courses for a portion of the day through CSA.

And we will provide additional support for ongoing mental and emotional health and wellness for our students.

Since the virus is still present in our community, we remain vigilant about COVID-19 transmission. We are committed to providing the safest possible in-school experience, based on evolving guidance and mandates from the California Department of Public Health and the San Diego County Health & Human Services Agency. At the time of writing, our planned virus mitigation strategies include:

Face coverings will not be required for anyone outdoors. Indoors, face coverings will be implemented if required by the California Department of Public Health.

Staff and students will be responsible for self-checking for symptoms and fever each day of attendance. Parents will check their children for symptoms at home each day.

Contact tracing and close contact exposure screening will be conducted as required by public health.

Hand washing and hand sanitizing protocols will be followed on all campuses and facilities.

Classrooms and common spaces will be cleaned and sanitized regularly, and electrostatic sprayers will be used for disinfection.

Plexiglass barriers and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment for staff members will be used where required.

HEPA and MERV 13 air filtration systems will be utilized, and ventilation will be increased in classrooms by keeping doors and windows open.

We are thankful to be back on campus, healthy and raring to go. As always, we are committed to ensuring that all students receive the academic, social, and emotional support they need to learn, grow, and thrive.
