Green Business Certified

The City of Carlsbad is the first city in San Diego County to join the California Green Business Network, a statewide network of 4,000 certified businesses in 40 cities that are committed to environmentally sustainable practices.

Green Business Certified

Be a green leader! Be one of the first certified Green Businesses in Carlsbad. This free certification helps you implement sustainable practices like water conservation, waste reduction, energy efficiency and pollution prevention— all while enhancing your bottom line. Join our statewide network of over 4,000 Green Businesses that are already enjoying the benefits of increased efficiency. 43% of certified Green Businesses reported increased sales, and 100% of Green Businesses reduced their environmental impact!

 How does it work? Just go to and select “Get Certified!”. We facilitate the process from start to finish, making going “green” as straightforward as possible. Did we mention it’s free? From the on-site technical assistance to the marketing and promotion for your business. We provide a way for you to meet consumer demand for greener practices. Our certification allows patrons and fellow businesses to see what you stand for. The process is easy: once enrolled, a coordinator will reach out and schedule a time to meet and get you on your way to certification! Certified businesses also have access to up to $500 in rebates for purchases made to meet certification measures. 

Congratulate our certified Carlsbad Green Businesses! On Tuesday, May 17, join the Mayor and City Council members as they recognize the certified Green Businesses in Carlsbad. At the beginning of the meeting, a special proclamation will be read to show support for the certified Green Businesses and the Carlsbad Green Business Program. The May 17 City Council meeting will start at 5 p.m. and can be viewed in person, on TV, or online. For more information on how to watch the meeting, visit the City of Carlsbad website at 

Transform the way your company interacts with its community and the environment…for free! Go to and select “Get Certified!” to start your green journey. Questions? Email Katie Hentrich at [email protected].
