Celebrating Carlsbad’s multigenerational leadership

Jess Levy

Marketing & Communications Manager
Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce

From engineering to biotech to wellness, North County is home to a vibrant collection of diverse industries and businesses. Behind these organizations are leaders; teachers and employees who model inspiring leadership to their teams, day in and day out. They aren’t afraid to take risks or make bold steps that instill courage in others to do the same.

If you’ve seen Carlsbad’s 2022 Top 40 Under 40 emerging leaders, they all have a major theme in common—effective leadership skills even amid difficult circumstances. In the past few years, we’ve all experienced an unfortunate series of those very circumstances. In the workplace, an environment we spend a third of our lives, millennials in management positions offer perspective as Gen Z begins their career search and journey to find purpose. One of the biggest takeaways from Carlsbad emerging leaders is the necessity for maintaining pivotal relationships, specifically role models and mentors. Not only finding a mentor but then being able to pay it forward and mentor others, shows to be a key factor in having success at any age and chapter you’re in. “It is not about people; it is about relationships. Invest your time building relationships authentically with trust and rapport. A reliable network is invaluable”—Taylor Beveridge, Carlsbad Educational Foundation. We are the sum of our networks. Spending time keeping in touch with the community both on the micro and macro level greatly impacts well-being.

If you zoom in on the seemingly insignificant daily habits of local emerging leaders, you’ll find a deep sense of gratitude. They stop to celebrate and recognize achievements, both of their own and their fellow colleagues. They know that helping others helps themselves too. If success is in the journey, these small wins are the continuous endeavor to “make your goal to be 1% better everyday”—Justin Frank, Bread and Cheese Eatery

Carlsbad is evolving into a flourishing hub for innovation & emerging young leaders across every industry.

To be a better manager, the art of listening cannot be underestimated. Are we listening with the intent to understand or listening with the intent to reply? “Listen. Being a student each day teaches you humility, grace and helps you learn the needs of your team. Only then can you support and encourage them”—Cassandra Klapp, Tri-City Medical Center. Author and business leader, Stephen Covey points out that there is more to it than either listening or not. There are actually five levels of listening: ignoring, pretending, selective listening, attentive listening, and empathic listening.

Beyond the office setting, teachers and administrators were celebrated at this year’s CBAD Awards for their commitment to educational excellence. 2022 CBAD Award High School Teach of the Year, Kimberly Wakefield from Carlsbad High School mentions, “people should consider teaching because there are so many opportunities to change lives. The old saying [popularized by Christa McAuliffe] is true. I Touch the Future—I Teach.” Mrs. Wakefield exemplifies a key metric of intrinsic success for leaders of today. What brings meaning and sparks joy in her work? It’s all about passion! Aligning to her passion could not be more relevant as we take a look at today’s Great Resignation. What used to be just jobs, are now very personal. The desire for meaningful work, to make and see a direct and tangible impact that aligns with a personal mission and/or values is a priority for many. The opportunity to incorporate passion(s) into a role, rather than leaving it for after-work hours at home is dwindling. Gen Z and Millennials would rather be unemployed than truly unhappy at work, a new survey suggests according to the 2022 Randstad Workmonitor report. It absolutely clicks with the next generation of leaders to ditch trying to find the once coveted dream job and spend time finding something that reaches personal fufillment. Pretty inspiring if you ask me.

At the Chamber’s 2022 Rising Star of the Year Breakfast where we honored incredible High School Seniors, one particular student mentioned a new program in school that seems quite forward-thinking. Kailani Chung, Carlsbad High School, mentions she is apart of a new peer-to-peer program offering guidance and therapy between students. Although I wish we had this type of early leadership practice during adolescence years ago, I am so proud to see it available to teenagers today.

The Carlsbad Unified Champions, a group of 19 High School seniors with high academic achievement, healthy habits, and strong character are exemplary role models for the incoming elementary school students. Recently, this year’s champions reflected on their time in school before they head off to college and beyond.

It’s unbelievable how mature these seniors are. Their innovative thinking, commitment to intellectual achievement, personal development, inclusiveness, and integrity are inspiring qualities at such a young age. Our Carlsbad seniors’ willingness to pursue all of their varied interests in both breadth and depth, allowing complexity for being multiple things at once, and practicing resilience are values that will sustain their future.

Raina found First Lego League robotics in 6th grade, made it to the world championship in 8th grade, and was dedicated to the program for the next 7 years. She became president of the Speech and Debate team, and will study engineering at Penn State. Wendy, who didn’t speak English when she arrived at school, was motivated by the Champions, who told her, “You can do it. Go for it!” She loves that kids from Mexico light up when she speaks. They can recognize themselves in her. She will attend CSU San Marcos in the fall. Talan reports that, after visiting her elementary school as a Champion, her 5th grade teacher emailed her to say, “I’m proud of you.” That meant so much to her. She is off to UCSC to study biology.

“Talent is where you find it; it is no respecter of men or women, young or old,” —OLIVE ANN BEECH, FIRST LADY OF AVIATION.

Our schools, superintendents, teachers, upper, middle, & lower classman set the tone for training environments that truly encourage small kindnesses, compassionate caring, embracing diversity and innovation, and striving for educational excellence moment-to-moment. Students are now more than ever confident and inspired to set out to create a path entirely of their own.

You never know how many people you’ll impact in your lifetime. Congratulations to these young students for making such a huge contribution and a ripple effect in our community. If we learn anything from them, it’s to navigate life directly through our passion(s) and see where it leads us. Their courage and positive change will be felt for generations to come.

We are only halfway through 2022 and local leaders at every age are stepping up and launching Carlsbad as a flourishing hub for movers and shakers. Between a mix of youth development and an increased migration to this desirable town, the future of Carlsbad is full of talent. An untapped well of innovation.
