Heart and Hustle

Jess Levy
Marketing & Communications Manager
Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce

Is the heart of your business as healthy as your own wellbeing?

Two hearts, same goal—Business success and being your best. But we often forget to stop and realize the two are dependent on each other. Long nights, loss of sleep, work deadlines, eating on-the-go, and stress. It’s the start of 2023 and we all know this lifestyle too well. 

February is Heart Health Awareness Month. You need a strong heart to run a healthy business and this lifestyle is increasing the rate of premature cardiovascular disease across all ages. According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease affects more than 35% of people age 39 and older, and more than 10% of those age 20–39. Isn’t that a staggering number especially for business professionals? And in San Diego County, nearly 4,000 people die of heart disease each year, according to the county Health and Human Services Agency. It’s up to each and every one of us to become more heart-centered and start taking better care from the inside out. 

When you really think about it, heart health is actually good business. For one, poor heart health can cost a business thousands. Well-being works better. Providing clean, nutritious foods for promoting heart healthy employees can keep your business on track. Take it from Elaine Bryan, Body and Soul Nourishment, Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Health Coach, “This has been proven over and over – The Mediterranean style diet full of foods like whole foods (vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.) have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes! Could it be the fiber in those foods that positively impacts our gut health? Yes! Those gut microbes assist us in reducing inflammation overall in the body, while those processed, sugary foods cause more inflammation!”

The CDC mentions, “If you have diabetes, you’re twice as likely to have heart disease or a stroke than someone who doesn’t have diabetes—and at a younger age.” Researchers forecast a growing number of people under age 20 newly diagnosed with diabetes during 2017–2060. This new research should serve as a wake-up call for the young. 

What you put in your body is just as important as how frequent you move it. My favorite Carlsbad physical therapist always says, remember, motion is lotion (for your joints). Especially for workers who sit at a desk all day, this prevention tip is for you. Your heart is your business too. 

Karla Crespi, Owner of North Carlsbad Pure Barre mentions, completing three Pure Barre classes a week helps you achieve the minimum 150 minutes of aerobic exercise, recommended by the American Heart’s Association’s Life Essential 8. 

Jeff Cavendish, MD, Chief of cardiology, Kaiser Permanente San Diego, “This year, being more physically active is one of your most effective tools for strengthening the heart muscle, maintaining a healthy weight and warding off the artery damage from high cholesterol, high blood sugar and high blood pressure that can lead to heart attack or stroke.” 

“During Heart Health Awareness Month and beyond, Vista Community Clinic (VCC), empowers patients to choose health through a wide array of services. Regular blood pressure monitoring, healthy lifestyle choices, and support from the healthcare team can help. Cardiovascular risk assessments can help determine if medications in addition to exercise and/or lifestyle interventions are needed to prevent heart disease,” Chief Medical Officer, Sarah Fatland, DO, Vista Community Clinic.

From the connected lens of dementia advocacy, Betsy Hall, CEO, For Their Thoughts Foundation shares “I would encourage everyone to simply remember the tagline, healthy heart = healthy brain. High intensity intervals is the most recommended by professionals. And that doesn’t mean you have to join a cross fit gym! This could be alternating between a brisk and casual walk.”

Take it from Dr. Aaron Yung, Interventional Cardiologist, Tri-City Medical Center, “Only a small portion of medical care happens in the physician office. Patients’ daily efforts and habits at home are much more important for cardiovascular health. Fitting in exercise, eating a heart-healthy diet, and maintaining sleep hygiene will lead to better overall outcomes.”

When looking across industries holistically, there is a clear common connection; To maintain the long life you love in business, personally and professionally, the heart is the key. For all the workaholics out there, you put your heart into your job or business. This is your reminder to support it, protect it, and love it a little more!
