Let the Force be with you!

Interested in joining our NetForce groups? At the Carlsbad Chamber, we have subgroups to target referrals for every sector
of business.

I couldn’t help it with the title. My son and husband are force (Star Wars) addicts. I am a force-fiend, but in the Chamber way. So, what is it? NetForce will be coming up on 15 years as the Chamber’s netweaving program and we are incredibly excited to announce the program’s growth. Networking is specific for the program as it focuses on more effectively developing reciprocal business relationships which have far-reaching potential.

I never knew what NetForce was until I had been here a couple years and my presence was needed to help.  I had the honor of becoming the staff member for NetForce1 and I was very quickly blown away. I finally understood why there was a diverse group of people that would get to the office every Thursday at 7’ish am and 

congregate in the large conference room. They bonded, built cross-industry relationships that certainly benefitted business, but also built life-long friends and mentorships. I thought this would be perfect and amazing for everyone, but I learned why it had been quiet too. Participation takes serious dedication and commitment to yourself and others.

I had written about NetForce pre-COVID, but finally following the lockdown delays we are pleased to announce the growth and new valuable opportunity for Chamber members. History is critical to understand why this is a big, longtime coming moment.

Back in 2009, the founders of the first NetForce group had the mission to create a new benefit for members, specifically related to business development. It began with research on several well-known networking and referral-generating programs throughout the county, and interviews with their participants. It was discovered that many people didn’t like their groups they were committed to for a few main reasons. 1) The group may have 40 people, but many would only refer 2-3 people since they may not trust the rest. 2) They felt the group had too many strict rules. 3) The cost was just too high.

The Carlsbad Chamber’s result of the investigation was the creation of NetForce as a unique hybrid of structure, member selection, low investment, and FUN. While in many ways NetForce is similar to other networking groups, it has proven to be extremely effective for each participating member. In the first year of the first group alone, more than $100,000 in business was generated. And interestingly, members say one of the most surprising benefits was how they became their existing clients’ greatest resource for all kinds of products and services. This is because their clients trusted them, and the members could now confidently refer fellow NetForce members to their clients. The resulting trust and confidence levels skyrocketed all around in the groups, and with that came more dollars.

These groups provide connection, inspiration, motivation, accountability, and referrals for members. The meetings are highly energetic, personally compelling, professionally productive, and again, fun. Members also meet one-on-one to build trust and grow their direct relationships outside of the weekly meetings.

As of February 1, the Carlsbad Chamber now has four NetForce groups meeting weekly. Prospective NetForce members are welcome to attend two meetings before submitting their application to join. Each group is limited to one person per industry, and each one is looking for members in varying industries to join. If you or someone you know may be interested, please contact Kathy Steffen, Director of Fun, for the groups’ eligibility and next steps. The Force will be with you.

