Modern Human Resources Information System

Founded in 2005, Apex 365 Workforce Solutions has made a big splash in human resources and within the community. Under the leadership of Founder and CEO, Blanca Rincon, Apex 365 distinguished itself by achievements in business, innovation, culture, and community impact.

Apex 365 has tripled its client base, attracting clients from all fifty states and Puerto Rico. Balancing growth with service has increased their visibility and deepened the connection between company and community.

In a paper-intensive industry, Apex 365 has leveraged innovative systems to achieve paper-free status! This achievement flows from an integrated suite of digital systems that span recruiting, onboarding, time and attendance, payroll processing, safety, and risk management.

Apex 365 employs a robust Human Resources Information System (HRIS). Employers can access employee data and process payroll from anywhere in the world. Client-facing user interfaces are streamlined and supportive. Client employees enjoy full access to their own records and download key documents at will. The integrated system provides industry-leading reporting, with highly customized and accurate reports.

Apex 365 has tripled its number of long-standing employees since 2020, with 98% retention. When Apex 365 invests in its employees, those individuals develop a sense of pride and ownership of their part in the business. This sense of pride produces remarkable team execution to take exceptional care of clients. Because Human Resources is by nature a highly collaborative endeavor, this individual-to-team approach leads to expedited growth opportunities for all.

Company culture is always front-of-mind for Apex 365. They understand that supporting culture in clients’ businesses means that their own culture must be exemplary. They have built such an example by pursuing several pillars since inception: Community, Integrity, Transparency and Intentionality.

Apex 365 sees its own business as a community, one that thrives within a local community, and serves a larger community that extends across the nation. These nested communities are interconnected. Every relationship is important because each affects the whole.

Apex 365 embraces the discipline of Integrity, and enjoys the fruits of integrity: trust, longevity, and respect. Every action, every decision, every communication is an opportunity to reinforce the habit and value of integrity.

Transparency is fundamental to the business model and product; Apex 365 makes data and decision- making available to employers and employees alike, bringing down traditional barriers. They make visible what has previously been obscured.

Finally, Apex 365 breathes life into the pillars of their company culture by practicing Intentionality. Instead of approaching tasks, conversations, projects and challenges with only a narrow end in mind, they view each of these as opportunities to build culture. By operating day-to-day in this frame of mind, Apex 365’s work is imbued with intention.

Building long-lasting and meaningful connections with the local community is a core tenet of Apex 365’s mission. They have accepted speaking engagements and leadership roles with several local schools and universities, helping students prepare for successful futures. Further, Apex 365 offers a paid internship for students interested in learning about and training in all aspects of Human Resources.

The business provides ongoing coaching and assistance to local businesses in need. Recipients include established businesses, startups, and solo entrepreneurs.

Apex 365 maintains membership in Mana de North County San Diego, supporting young women in business. And they belong to multiple Chambers of Commerce (most notably the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce!), contributing to each through both financial donations and pro bono professional support.

In less than three years, Apex 365 Workforce Solutions has shown the kind of explosive, generative growth that is possible when a company addresses real needs with innovation and unwavering commitment to culture and community.
