Netforce is now five referral groups strong
Our Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce is home to its unique brand of referral networking groups called Netforce. To associate with people you know, like and trust look to one of the Chamber’s five Netforce groups. If you value the benefits of warm referrals from trusted advisors to clients, look to a Netforce group. Netforce offers a ready “bench” of skilled professionals, Masterminds, to know, like, trust and REFER. Groups meet on different days and times. They each meet weekly, limit membership to a single person in any given field or specialty. The meetings focus on getting to know Netforce members and businesses so that referrals can flow to and from members naturally.
Each group is self-governing. Our group, Netforce 3, is typical. We meet Wednesday mornings 8 to 9 a.m. and meeting agendas are distributed Tuesdays. At each meeting, one member provides a half hour presentation (and then Chairs the next meeting) telling us more about their business, abilities, needs and wants.
Our injury lawyer has used the presentation to roundtable cases, our lender to provide insight into rates, our insurer to alert us to the changing insurance world, our REALTOR to bring tips on selling or buying a home, our promotional marketing “merch” member to initiate spirited marketing conversations, our managed IT member to scare us about the online world, and our financial advisor to open eyes about financial growth. During meetings, members seek advice from our collective mastermind, offer member referrals, thanks, testimonials, or insight from meeting with another member. Explore Netforce, visit, or guest at several for the right fit.
We encourage your to explore our 5 Netforce groups and find one that fits you. For more info email