Frank Urtasun
The Eco Bus Field Trip traveled to San Diego Gas & Electric’s Energy Innovation Center. The field trip was led by the Carlsbad Chamber’s Sustainability Committee Co-Chairman, Ross Fields. The chamber members were introduced by Frank Urtasun, regional vice president of  external relations for SDG&E,  who greeted the guests and  introduced them to the state-of-the-art energy center. The two featured speakers of the field trip were Barbara Hamilton, sustainability manager of Palomar Health, and Grant Frost, manager of environmental strategy and sustainability for SDG&E.
Barbara Hamilton
Hamilton presented about how population health and overall wellness is associated with sustainability, and how the environment can be affected by our own health decisions. Frost spoke about his conservation management department and the infrastructure they have incorporated to become less of a stand-alone idea and combining their efficiency models to  mesh with suppliers and purchasing industries .
Grant Frost
    After the informative presentation, guests were treated to lunch and then concluded with an open panel discussion with SDG&E Public Affairs Manager Warren Ruis, and Barbara Hamilton. Questions included what the future of sustainable energy and products and how we can educate the public on the importance of implementing a sustainable mindset at work and home. Following the panel discussion, the guests were given a tour of the facility with demonstrations of how SDG&E is attempting to reduce its carbon footprint through high efficiency appliances and lighting, along with solar panels called ‘Solar Trees’ that track the sun as just a few examples. You can learn more about the Energy Innovation Center by visiting their website here. If you are interested in learning more about the Chamber’s Sustainability Committee, please call our office and ask for Bev at (760) 931-8400. [nggallery id=32]