Owner, Carolyn Neill, with years of experience in massage therapy, focuses not only on the body and skin but also works with clients in recovery from abuse, eating disorders, trauma and cancer.

She combines her skills in guided imagery and body work to assist in the emotional release of physical and emotional trauma.

Executive's name: Carolyn Neill
Title: Owner
Company name: A Touch of the Irish, Sanctuary for the Soul
Address: 800 Grand Avenue, #B15
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: (760) 449-0131
Website: www.atouchoftheirish.com
Founded: 2002

Prior experience: I was the owner, for 8 years, of "Creative Relaxation" in Ireland. I was also a teacher of holistic health in Belfast, N. Ireland for 10 years at Adult Education Colleges. I've been practicing massage and esthetician work since 1981.

Average hours worked weekly: Variable, around 40 hours a week.

Number of teammates: Just me…so far.

Residence: I currently live in Carlsbad

Family: I have two daughters and a son. Daughter, India, 13; daughter, Autumn Rose, 8 and son, Cameron, 10.

Hobbies: I enjoy hiking, meditation, swimming, gardening, music and reading. With three children that's about all I have time for.

What got you into this business? My mother. She did a lot of healing and beauty work. After being crowned Miss Northern Ireland she opened a modeling agency and would coach women on health and beauty. I used to watch the women blossom and gain more confidence both inwardly and outwardly. This healing aspect intrigued me and attracted me to the profession. I believe what I try to do is enhance the gifts that people have instead of allowing them to focus on their negative traits thereby creating and suggesting methods of self empowerment rather than victimization.

What makes your business a standout? I blend a lot of modalities together. I'm trained to work on the mind, body and spirit. I use alternative and creative therapies like art, music and visualization and am mostly intrigued on the ways the mind affects the body, namely psychosomatics.

By combining many skills, I am able to create a safe and nurturing environment which allows for a physical as well as an emotional release. I work and have training in three dimensions, mind, body and spirit…one cannot exist without the other. So, as an holistic health therapist I teach my clients an holistic approach to living and also suggest alternative methods of overcoming the curve balls that life throws at us.

Clients include those suffering from cancer, post-traumatic stress and eating disorders. Others are simply looking for ways to enhance their ability to relax. It is difficult to encompass everything I do in a sentence or two; my clients are my testimonial.

Drawbacks to your line of business: I work on a more intimate level and I think that may be too intimate for some people. Everyone has different needs, and choosing a body work therapist is an intimate and personal choice. Referrals take time, but they build a strong business based on mutual trust and respect.

Why is your company located in Carlsbad? The flowers and the trees drew me here. I moved from cold snowy Ireland with its inclement climatic conditions to Palm Springs, which was beautiful. It was a healing place but very arid. I wanted to find a place to live where the earth was more fertile; basically a place where I could truly co-create and manifest my life and my children's lives. I needed a place where the climate was supportive of this shift. Carlsbad was that place.

I don't separate nature from people or form. I feel if nature can flourish in a location so can I. In the whole scheme of things, we are all One.

How do you plan to grow? I'm thinking about merging with another company in Encinitas…so keep checking my web site for details! I feel the merge would be an expansive and supportive move to make, for us both, at this time.

Eventually I would like to merge with several other holistic therapists eg. Nutritionists, t'ai chi, ayurvedic specialists, yoga instructors, chiropractors and acupuncturists, either in the same center or by close referrals

Toughest career decision: Moving to America. I finally decided to do it because I wanted to start a new life somewhere peaceful with my children. It has always been my dream to live in California, so in 2002 I followed my dream. I sold everything in Belfast, N. Ireland, traveled to America with my 3 small children (then 4, 6 and 9 years old) with 20 boxes.

There is a much more accepting and liberal attitude to life in California and people have a greater chance of expressing and recreating their lives based on their own chosen or recreated belief systems. The religious and political complications in Belfast made it a fearful and constricting place for me to live, especially in light of my healing work and desire to have free expression for all.

Ongoing challenges: Juggling between being a single parent of 3 children for nine years, being self-supportive and running a business. It's quite a feat to balance all of that plus deal with all life's normal challenges and curve balls at the same time!

It's sometimes hard for me to say no, as I love to try anything once. Juggling so many things means that I have had to let some things go in my life so I have the energy and time to focus on my children and my business. Something always has to give. For me it was my personal life for now!

The culture shock of moving to America and settling the children in to new schools etc. has also been a challenge, and of course having to re-license in all my credentials when I moved here. I am glad I made the leap in the dark and that we are still here. It is so important to follow your dreams and I hope my children always remember that too

Best way to stay competitive: Always keep growing and expanding my knowledge in all domains. Also continuing to grow with clients, not stay stagnant in any arena. Really listen to my clients' observations and suggestions. I don't work on my clients I work with them. Working with my clients is a two-way street, a symbiotic gain for both.

In five years, where would you like your business to be? Working in conjunction with other holistic therapists, expanding the services I currently have available and employing like minded therapists who wish to be part of an holistic and growing team.

What does your company contribute to the Carlsbad community? Insight for individuals into their health and wellbeing and helping to pull together like-minded people, interlinking and networking them all within the community.

What are your guiding principles? Meditation and reality checks. When things get rough I remember that I'm part of the whole, everything and everyone is recycled energy. Fear comes from separation and so I keep in mind we are all connected. Simply being out in nature is the best way for me to remember this and to re connect to a source. Then I know and trust everything will be as it is meant to be.

What's one thing other people do not know about you? I'm shy.

What would you change if you could do it all over again? Nothing. I love my life. I'm happy and blessed, as are my children. I have experienced many black clouds and am always looking for the silver lining. That is part of the cycle of life and we are all in it together!

Choice for a second career: Something that incorporates travel. Travel is my other passion. I traveled extensively before moving to America and of course my wander lust was diminished when I had 3 amazing children. When they are older, I am sure that wander lust will carry me to foreign parts again. For now I want to be with them as for long as they need me.

People you look up to and why: People who have hit rock bottom and haven't given up.

Favorite movie: Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell.

Favorite quote: "Never give up. Always have faith. See the divine in everything and everyone…..and remember to pray."

Advice for new entrepreneurs: With passion and patience success will come.
