In my previous column, I promised I would share what we are doing to teach a variety of skills that enable our students to flourish in school and life. I'm reminded of a poster showing two mice juggling on a tightrope that is held by a cat balancing on a dog riding a tricycle. The caption: “The trick to life is to make it look easy.”
As was made painfully clear during the October fires, life is not always easy. One trick to being a successful person is having a good balance of life skills. That is why the Carlsbad Unified School District incorporates district-wide character traits into our ongoing K-8 educational curriculum.
Good teachers have always educated their students about character traits, and an emphasis on qualities such as cooperation and respect has always existed. The district has unified these traits into a curriculum taught sequentially at each grade in all elementary and middle schools by trained teachers. The program does not replace lessons, it augments daily instruction.
Each month brings a new trait to the fore. The trait is posted in classrooms and distributed to parents. Schools incorporate the traits into classrooms and activities in a variety of ways. Valley Middle School offers vouchers that can be used to purchase items from the student store to students who exhibit the trait of the month, as well as a chance to be on its award-winning VMSTV news broadcast.
The character traits program is research-based and board-approved. It also is kid-tested, assures Student Service Specialist Rosemary Eshelman, who operates the program and recently utilized it when she encountered students spitting on the playground.
“It's all about making the most of teachable moments,” said Eshelman, and I agree. Maybe that's the true trick to school and life.
CUSD is on the move

As you know, our Building on New Dreams Facilities Master Plan and Proposition P construction program is underway. We thank everyone who voted in 2006 to authorize the issuance of $198 million of general obligation bonds that, along with state funding of $15.2 million, will fund the modernization of several schools and the building of an additional high school.
Some people have asked if they can continue their support by buying these bonds. The answer is yes. In September, 8,000 bonds valued at $5,000 each were sold to underwriting firms. To purchase a bond, contact your broker and specify “Carlsbad Unified School District General Obligation Bonds 2007; Series A.”
For more information on the upcoming construction, please visit
