During the ceremony, the Chamber took pause to celebrate four American heroes of the U.S. Marine Corps, Purple Heart recipients who were wounded serving our country in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Chamber presented "The American Spirit Award" to Major Byron Owen, Sgt. Jorge Hernandez, Sgt. Leroy Johnston and Sgt. Jason Pelandrano.

To illustrate the courage and sacrifice of these men, Chamber President and CEO Ted Owen (no relation) gave an account of the battle that earned Major Owen the Silver Star Medal. During the battle, which took place Aug. 8, 2008 in the southern Afghan city of Shewan, Owen and his 30-man reconnaissance platoon encountered 250 enemy fighters and engaged them in a firefight. All of the members of the American platoon survived.

"The young Americans you are about to meet are some of the best of the best America has to offer," Chamber CEO Ted Owen said. "Each of them nearly paid the ultimate price by being wounded in battle to protect our nation. Modern technology, fast acting comrades and medical personnel working together brought each of them home to be with us tonight."
