After some brief introductory remarks at the annual "Chairman's Holiday Party", Patrick Fearn, Chairman of the Carlsbad CVB Board of Directors, told the audience, "We're here tonight to recognize those who have made a significant contribution to the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau in 2005." He went on to say that, "This has been a very special year and it has been one that made a significant difference in the way we'll be doing business in the future."

Fearn then welcomed Mayor Bud Lewis; Council Members Matt Hall and Norine Sigafoose; lodging industry representatives; the loyal band of volunteers who staff the Volunteer Information Center and others who attended the event.

Carolyn Grant, Executive Director of the Museum of Making Music as well as Secretary of the Carlsbad CVB Board, served as host for the third consecutive year. On behalf of the Museum she said, "We are thrilled to have everyone here so that we can extend some very special recognition to some very special individuals who have contributed so much to our Bureau this past year."

Sonoma Market catered the event, providing guests with an exquisite array of tastes for the evening.

Thus, the stage was set (and ever so nicely I might add, especially with the wonderful Steinway grand piano!) for the lineup of recognitions that followed.

I felt tremendous pride reading the names of every Hospitality Ambassador, followed by the total number of hours worked. The contributions made in hours alone were staggering. More than 17,784 hours were spent staffing the Visitor Center, which equates to a savings of more than $266,000.

The volunteer recognition roll call was followed by the presentation of the Shining Star award; an annual award that recognizes excellence in service. This year's recipient, Carlsbad resident John Seufert, stood out not because of his more than 1,300 hours of total service to the Bureau, but rather for his dedication to keeping the Visitor Center open every Sunday.

"He has done this for years," said Fearn, "and it's his love of Carlsbad that drives him to serve our community. We appreciate that very much!"

Mayor Lewis was then called upon to accept a special recognition award for the unanimous support the council provided in approving the recently adopted Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District.

"This is very special," said Mayor Lewis, "for you know, we have always been supportive of what you do and what tourism brings to our city."

He acknowledged his council colleagues in attendance as well as Council Members Ann Kulchin and Mark Packard. He concluded by saying, "we expect a lot of good things to happen."

La Costa Resort and Spa Vice President and General Manager, April Shute and Pelican Cove Inn owner, Nancy Nayudu were also recognized for their participation and service as members of the BID Ad-hoc steering committee. An award was also presented to Tim Stripe, Grand Pacific Resort's co-president, for his service as chairman of the steering committee.

The 3rd Annual Visionary Leadership Award was presented to William Herring, Director of Design Services for Certified Folder Display Services, Inc.

In presenting this award, I told the audience that Herring's creativity has helped this Bureau convey the essence of Carlsbad in virtually every advertisement over the last two years. It takes a special type of individual who can work under what some would term, unrealistic deadlines, and he still produces stellar work.

Herring's creative talent graces the cover of the current Visitor Guide and advertisements seen in California's Official Visitor Guide, Sunset, National Geographic Traveler, Frommer's Budget Travel and numerous other publications. He follows a list of Visionary Leadership recipients who include Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce President, Ted Owen.

So, as the Bureau looks ahead to another productive year, you can bet that all eyes will again be focused on those who are helping to, not only make a difference in the day-to-day operations of the CVB, but also in contributions to the City of Carlsbad.

Great work and thanks to everyone!
