Be Somebody: Good advice to grads, but for everyone too
I was recently honored to be asked to deliver the main address at the 2013 Carlsbad High School Interfaith Baccalaureate Service, a ceremony for graduating seniors held June 9 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

For this column, I'd like to share with you an excerpt of my speech. I believe that the themes resonate with people at all stages of life:
If you take anything from my words today – it should be this: Go out and BE SOMEBODY.

This is not something new. 43 years ago, I had the opportunity to give the commencement speech at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. And I gave the same advice: BE SOMEBODY.

What does this mean?
I fervently believe that when you give, you receive. So as you move forward, BE SOMEBODY who gives back.

If you volunteer, keep volunteering. If not, start. Not to pad up a r?sum?, but in order to keep your passions alive. Find a cause you strongly believe in, and give your time to it. You will never regret it. In fact, many people find their future careers from volunteering.

Develop a passion for giving back, to your church, to your community, to your country. You will really realize the value of your time when you volunteer, because you know you'll be making a difference. You'll be working toward a better future, for others and for yourselves …

Go out and BE SOMEBODY who is inquisitive and curious about the world around you.

One thing you'll find out is that the world is large, but it's also curiously connected. You never know who you're going to meet, and what role these people are going to play in your life, or in the lives of others.
Let me tell you a little story about when I first came to Carlsbad 41 years ago. I bought my first house here right on Carlsbad Boulevard. Three doors down from me lived a man named Tom.

Those of you in the audience who are familiar with surfing may be familiar with his last name, Morey. Those of you who don't will no doubt be familiar with his product, the Boogie Board. During those days, I tested a lot of Boogie Boards!

No matter which beach you go to, no doubt you'll see somebody riding a board that was dreamed up, created and born right here in Carlsbad. On a recent trip, we saw Boogie boards in Mumbai, India!

Every time I see one I'm reminded of how great ideas are often just around the corner, and those great ideas can also come from you. But for that to happen, remember the following:

BE SOMEBODY who works hard.
When you work hard, there's no doubt that you're going to win. I'm not saying you'll always be successful, but hard work always makes you a better person. You'll learn a lot from hard work, and when you succeed, you'll need to know how to work hard to give meaning to your success and to keep it moving forward. Thomas Jefferson said, "I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." ….
My advice to you is that you BE SOMEBODY who is adaptable, who embraces everything that life gives you and works to make the best out of it.

If you think about it, it's quite possible that your dream job hasn't even been invented yet.

Who knows what technologies will be created in the next coming years, and what role you will play in the creation of those technologies. These are exciting times, and I'm excited for all of the contributions that you are going to give to the world.

BE SOMEBODY who is kind.
Don't be a jerk to others. Don't talk trash. Remember to choose your friends wisely because others judge you based on who you hang out with. Choose friends that will make you look good, and when somebody honors you with their friendship, do all that you can to be a good reflection on them.
Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar used to say: " If you go out looking for friends, you're going to find they are very scarce. if you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."

Finally, remember that your attitude determines your altitude. When you reach great heights remember to look down and enjoy the view. Now go out and BE SOMEBODY.
