In March, Kennedy Smith of the CLUE Group, presented the new Business Development and Marketing Plan for the Village Area to an audience made up of property and business owners, residents, Chamber of Commerce representatives, Village Business Association representatives and other interested people. This plan was prepared for the Village Area by the CLUE Group, on behalf of the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency. It was prepared in an effort to continue revitalization activities within the Village and enhance the existing business environment.

One of the key points made by Kennedy Smith in the report was that, “the City of Carlsbad enjoys a robust economy that most communities would envy and, with concerted and collaborative action, the Village can pursue any of a number of paths to become more economically prosperous and culturally dynamic.”

The three recommended market development strategies for the Village are:

1. Strengthen the Village role as a neighborhood-serving commercial center that provides basic goods and services to the people who live and work in and near the Village;
2. Make the Village into a vibrant arts, cultural and entertainment district;
3. Cultivate several clusters of specialty businesses in the Village that offer products and services unique within the community and region.

The report outlines a variety of major actions to implement and benchmarks to pursue the above noted strategies. These actions will be pursued by various stakeholders in the Village. No single entity will be responsible by itself for full implementation. A third party, independent nonprofit organization is proposed to be established to coordinate the various implementation activities and to coordinate the various partner organizations which will include, but not be limited to, the Chamber of Commerce, Carlsbad Village Business Association, arts organizations, the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency.

Key components of the Business Development and Marketing Plan are:

1. Strengthen existing businesses in the Village.
2. Focus on recruiting entrepreneurs rather than on recruiting businesses.
3. Place businesses in locations that encourage movement throughout the Village and strengthen synergy between businesses.
4. Create “everyday ephemera” to enliven the environment and the experience of visiting the Village.
5. Cultivate ongoing customer relationships.
6. Adapt store hours to better meet customer needs.
7. Animate storefront windows and improve storefront window displays.
8. Incorporate entertainment into existing businesses.
9. Focus on streetscapes (individual building improvements).
10. Create an engaging website for Village visitors and strip away organizational references.
11. Create an independent entity with representation from key partners to allow for a neutral venue for planning and implementing the specific activities by those that have the best skills and resources.

The next steps involve Kennedy Smith working with a group of Village stakeholder representatives to complete a work plan to implement the various goals and objectives set forth within the new Village Business Development and Marketing Plan. The working group will also assist Smith in the establishment of the nonprofit organization noted above. Great things have been happening in the Village over the past 20 to 25 years. This current effort is intended to build on the past success and continue to enhance the Village in a manner that sustains its vitality and vibrancy well into the future.
Copies of the initial retail analysis completed last year and the Business Development and Marketing Plan are available on the City website at

If you have any questions or comments please contact Debbie Fountain at (760) 434-2815.
