Mary Belyeu, who graduated in May, is applying the expertise she used in a college program for her own business, a fashion boutique called The Den.

Less than one year ago, Belyeu was part of the Senior Experience Program, a program that matches teams of students with projects submitted by local businesses and organizations at Cal State San Marcos. She lent her skills, and gained valuable knowledge, while helping a local business become more efficient.

She and four other colleagues in the university’s program installed an inventory accounting and management system and designed a Web site for Witt’s Carlsbad Pipelines, a surf shop one block south where Belyeu used to work.

Although she gained real world business experience, the boutique owner realizes there's still a lot to learn and do when you own your own business.

Located in the new Anastasi development that combines condos and retail shops just north of downtown Carlsbad on Carlsbad Boulevard, The Den is a mix of style and soft ambience. From the polished brown acid-etched floor to the solid black oversized air-conditioning ducts, the store gives off a slightly offbeat, but understated tone. The merchandise, from T-shirts to evening wear to cashmere jeans, stands out as part of the complete presentation. Brands include Taverniti So, People’s Liberation, Hudson, J Brand, Smashing Grandpa, Obey and Kr3w.

“There’s a little bit of everything in here,” Belyeu said. She also mentioned that when stocking her shelves with fashion she also considered people's checkbooks and the amount of money some have, or do not have, to spend.

Belyeu said she chose the Anastasi project for her store because it’s in an area she knows well, and she considers it a new building that represents a northward growth of Carlsbad’s downtown.

The Den’s address is 2744 Carlsbad Blvd., Suite 114. For more information on the store visit the company's myspace website at
