When the city of Carlsbad adopted its affordable housing ordinance in 1993, less than 12 percent of California cities had such a statute on the books. Our city's ordinance requires builders of new housing developments with seven or more units to designate 15 percent of those units as “affordable” to people with low to moderate incomes.
The ordinance has resulted in the construction of 1,800 affordable housing units in the city of Carlsbad. We at the city have long been justifiably proud of our accomplishments in this area.
We also are honored that a new independent study designates Carlsbad as one of the state's top producers of affordable housing. This recognition was contained in “Affordable by Choice: Trends in California Inclusionary Housing Programs,” which was authored by a coalition of four nonprofit agencies, including the San Diego Housing Federation.
The study found that 32 percent of the state's cities currently have affordable housing policies. Together, these policies have put roofs over the heads of at least 80,000 people in California.
The California Coalition for Rural Housing is a statewide nonprofit organization that works to ensure affordable housing opportunities for low-income households in California.
Carlsbad's model for creation of affordable housing works because it encourages partnerships between developers of market-rate housing and developers that specialize in building and operating affordable housing. Many of the city's affordable units are the result of such partnerships, which are rented to tenants at below-market rates.
Financial assistance is provided in some cases to help bring projects to fruition. Ensuring the provision of housing for citizens of all income levels contributes to a strong economy, and enhances our quality of life here in Carlsbad.
