The City of Carlsbad is seeking input from local businesses and their employees about walking and biking in Carlsbad. The online survey is part of a larger project to develop better options for people to get to their work places, retail centers, homes, public transportation and the beach.

This input will be used to develop two planning documents that will identify better ways to connect the city's roads and trails: the Comprehensive Active Transportation Strategy and Trails Master Plan. The city is combining its community outreach efforts for the two plans because it sees an opportunity to create better connections for people using the road and trail systems.

Through early February, the city is asking people go to to participate in a five to 10 minute online survey and participate in a map exercise where they can show the city locations where they'd like to see improvements or changes.

"Connectivity is essential to Carlsbad's economic health," said City of Carlsbad Economic Development Manager Christina Vincent. "More Carlsbad businesses are providing transportation options for their employees for gained access to the community. We need to understand where the gaps in our transportation system are in order to provide our businesses with a greater network of options, specifically in our business parks and in the Village, where the majority of our employment base exists."
– Source: City of Carlsbad
