As the owner or manager of a small or mid-size business, you constantly strive to grow your company and increase profitability.
Often, your key challenge is simply bringing new customers in the door. Whether you're a restaurant, dentist, CPA, tree-trimming service or yoga instructor, the name of the game is to get new customers.
Regardless of what type of business you own, direct mail is an effective and profitable way to find new customers. Getting the most bang for your buck is always important, but never more so than in a tough economy.
In fact, the average return on investment for direct mail marketing is $12 in revenue for every $1 invested, according to the Direct Marketing Association, or DMA. You would be hard-pressed to find another type of advertising that can give you that type of return.
There are several important benefits to using direct mail in your marketing, including:
• You can target only the people most likely to buy your product or service.
• By using a coupon or offer, you can track just how effective each mailing really is and determine if you need to adjust or continue a successful promotion.
• You can mail 100 or 100,000 pieces. Once you find something that works, you can invest in larger mailings, knowing that it will deliver the results you're looking for.
• A recent study shows that the majority of consumers are using special offers and coupons more than they did just six months ago because of the economy. The same study showed that consumers prefer to receive those offers via direct mail over all other methods, including newspapers, e-mail or the Internet. Everyone has a mailbox and it is a surefire way to reach consumers.
The most critical part of successful direct mail is getting it read; before anybody can respond or purchase your product they have to read your piece. DMA statistics show that postcards are more likely to be read than any other form of mail. It's really no surprise.
A postcard that arrives in a mailbox carries immediate impact. It doesn't need to be opened and its message and offer are instantly communicated to the reader. Pay attention to it the next time you sort through your mail and you'll see what I mean.
Apart from standing out in the mail, postcards also are highly cost-effective. The smaller format saves on printing costs and recent advancements in postal processing ensure maximum delivery rates, resulting in less wasted mail at the lowest possible postage rates.
If you're looking for the difference maker in your business this year, consider direct mail marketing. It may be just what you need to keep your business busy all year long.
For more information, call Modern Postcard at (888) 946-7335 or visit
Often, your key challenge is simply bringing new customers in the door. Whether you're a restaurant, dentist, CPA, tree-trimming service or yoga instructor, the name of the game is to get new customers.
Regardless of what type of business you own, direct mail is an effective and profitable way to find new customers. Getting the most bang for your buck is always important, but never more so than in a tough economy.
In fact, the average return on investment for direct mail marketing is $12 in revenue for every $1 invested, according to the Direct Marketing Association, or DMA. You would be hard-pressed to find another type of advertising that can give you that type of return.
There are several important benefits to using direct mail in your marketing, including:
• You can target only the people most likely to buy your product or service.
• By using a coupon or offer, you can track just how effective each mailing really is and determine if you need to adjust or continue a successful promotion.
• You can mail 100 or 100,000 pieces. Once you find something that works, you can invest in larger mailings, knowing that it will deliver the results you're looking for.
• A recent study shows that the majority of consumers are using special offers and coupons more than they did just six months ago because of the economy. The same study showed that consumers prefer to receive those offers via direct mail over all other methods, including newspapers, e-mail or the Internet. Everyone has a mailbox and it is a surefire way to reach consumers.
The most critical part of successful direct mail is getting it read; before anybody can respond or purchase your product they have to read your piece. DMA statistics show that postcards are more likely to be read than any other form of mail. It's really no surprise.
A postcard that arrives in a mailbox carries immediate impact. It doesn't need to be opened and its message and offer are instantly communicated to the reader. Pay attention to it the next time you sort through your mail and you'll see what I mean.
Apart from standing out in the mail, postcards also are highly cost-effective. The smaller format saves on printing costs and recent advancements in postal processing ensure maximum delivery rates, resulting in less wasted mail at the lowest possible postage rates.
If you're looking for the difference maker in your business this year, consider direct mail marketing. It may be just what you need to keep your business busy all year long.
For more information, call Modern Postcard at (888) 946-7335 or visit