Sometimes, conserving energy is all about making small changes. In winter, small changes can really add up. Want some quick and easy energy savings this winter? Take a few steps to reduce natural gas usage, conserve resources, lower energy costs and save money:
1. Adjust the thermostat down in the winter. Even a few degrees can significantly reduce heating and air conditioning costs.
2. Install programmable thermostats or time clocks to automatically control temperature settings on heating equipment.
3. Lower the thermostat on your water heater. 120? F is sufficient for many common uses. A 10? F reduction can save up to five percent on water heating costs.
4. Invest in energy-efficient equipment. When upgrading or adding new equipment, look for the ENERGY STAR? symbol, which indicates the equipment meets federal standards for energy efficiency. Call SDG&E about our energy efficiency services and rebates at 1-800-644-6133.
1. Adjust the thermostat down in the winter. Even a few degrees can significantly reduce heating and air conditioning costs.
2. Install programmable thermostats or time clocks to automatically control temperature settings on heating equipment.
3. Lower the thermostat on your water heater. 120? F is sufficient for many common uses. A 10? F reduction can save up to five percent on water heating costs.
4. Invest in energy-efficient equipment. When upgrading or adding new equipment, look for the ENERGY STAR? symbol, which indicates the equipment meets federal standards for energy efficiency. Call SDG&E about our energy efficiency services and rebates at 1-800-644-6133.