The United States Congress is once again considering a number of proposals aimed at addressing the problems associated with illegal immigration. With the political calendar leaving a small window of opportunity to take action, I am encouraging members of both the House and Senate to stop wasting time trying to broker an impossible agreement between the House and Senate, and instead focusing on a viable alternative that will make an immediate impact on illegal immigration. By passing H.R. 98, the Illegal Immigration Enforcement and Social Security Protection Act, Congress can put into place the policies needed to eliminate the financial incentive for illegal immigration by stopping illegal employers from hiring illegal immigrants.

Authored by Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas) and former border patrol agent and member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Congressman, Silvestre Reyes (D-TX), H.R. 98 seeks to end the insane practice of rewarding illegal immigrants with jobs. We need to give employers the tools they need to verify employment eligibility. By adopting a tamper-resistant Social Security card program, we can help employers identify who should be here and who should not.

Document fraud has become a widespread problem as employers are ill-equipped to detect and authenticate workers' identification documents. A universal, non-discriminatory and tamper-resistant Social Security card would be a practical solution to this growing problem. Currently, there are more than 35 types of identification employers can use to verify employment eligibility. By limiting the burden of documentation to just one, uniform card, employers will finally have the tools they need to comply with the law. We need to separate those who are egregiously violating the law and those who do not have the means to enforce and comply with the law. More importantly, this tamper-proof Social Security card will eliminate racial profiling because you would have to ask all potential employees to provide the one card.

H.R. 98 bill would provide employers with the tools they need to enforce the law by creating a tamper-proof Social Security card that every new worker would need to gain employment. This would also provide those who are applying for jobs with the documentation they need to prove that the Social Security number they are claiming is actually theirs.

Before we address the 12 million illegal immigrants who are currently living in our country, we must concentrate on eliminating the reasons why they are coming here in the first place. We must match our tough talk on illegal immigration with action. That begins with eliminating the incentive for illegal immigration by holding employers who hire illegal aliens accountable.
