The San Diego Urban Division of Lennar focuses on developing exceptional urban communities in in-fill areas with particular expertise in urban master plans.
Executive's name: Larry Clemens
Title: President, San Diego Urban Division
Company name: Lennar
Address: 1525 Faraday Avenue, Suite 300, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: (760) 918-7765
Web site:
Founded: 1954
Prior experience: I am a third generation San Diegan and have been involved in the San Diego building industry for 30 years. Previously, I was Vice President, General Manager with Hillman Properties and was responsible for all aspects of the Aviara Master Planned Resort Community in Carlsbad. I also was the management lead for acquisition, entitlement and sales of the 433-acre Kelly Ranch located on the eastern shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon in Carlsbad.
Average hours worked weekly: 60 hours +
Number of teammates: 20
Residence: Rancho Santa Fe
Family: Married to Roni Hicks, two children, four grandchildren
Hobbies: Sailing, traveling and skiing
What got you into this business? While working for SDG&E early in my career, I was the company's representative at the Building Industry Association. I later started the first Utility Consulting Company representing land developers and builders. This was my introduction to master planned development and started my real career.
What makes your business a standout? We provide our customers with one of their most important assets, their home.
Drawbacks to your line of business: The "black-hat" image that has been assigned to land developers and the lack of understanding and appreciation by the general public of the enormous job and responsibility associated with the planning and development of new communities.
Why is your company headquartered in Carlsbad? Carlsbad provides a quality work environment for our associates. Many of our associates either live in Carlsbad or in North County. Geographically, Carlsbad is nearly equidistant from San Diego to Aliso Viejo (where our corporate headquarters is located).
How do you plan to grow? Much of our growth will be involved with the redevelopment and in-fill in urban core areas around the County. We are also concentrating on residential product that is mid-priced.
Toughest career decision: Leaving SDG&E to form my own company (1975).
Ongoing challenges: With company growth comes the challenge of finding and employing qualified new associates.
Best way to stay competitive: Honesty and high integrity.
In five years, where would you like your business to be? The leading developer and builder of urban product in San Diego County.
What does your company contribute to the Carlsbad community? Lennar is a great supporter of The Carlsbad Boys and Girls Clubs and the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. By supporting these two organizations, we have been able to concentrate on the City's youth and their education.
What is your company's guiding principles? Quality, value, and integrity.
What's one thing other people do not know about you? If I told you, everyone would know.
What would you change if you could do it all over again? Play harder when I was growing up …. There is plenty of time to work.
Choice for a second career: Sailing or bicycle tour guide.
People you look up to and why: Bill Gates. He took a germ of an idea, and said, "why not" (that every person on the planet should have a personal computer). A very big idea!
Favorite movie: "The Jerk" starring Steve Martin.
Favorite quote: "Without courage, all other virtues lose their meaning.", Winston Churchill
Advice for new entrepreneurs: Never burn a bridge.
