Fish Window Cleaning is a commercial/residential window cleaning company that also provides power washing and other property detailing services. They currently specialize in low-rise (10 stories and below) commercial and private homes.
Executive's name: Kolan J. Hairston
Title: President/Owner
Company name: FISH Window Cleaning
Address: 1555 Grand Avenue, Suite B
Phone: (760) 744-5510
Web site:
Founded: September, 2004
Source of starting capital: Private Funds
2004 revenues: $24,000
Average hours worked weekly: 50
Number of teammates: 6
Residence: Carlsbad
Family: Wife, no kids
Hobbies: Physical fitness, road biking, anything at the beach and reading.
What got you into this business? The fun of it, the challenge and the truly unlimited potential.
What makes your business a standout? Professionalism, quality of service and the high touch customer care delivered to each client.
Drawbacks to your line of business: Challenge of managing the workload and growth.
How do you plan to grow? Through person to person contact, being out in the community meeting and greeting potential clients every day (i.e. the old fashioned way).
Toughest career decision: Choosing to walk away from projects that were larger than we were currently manned to handle at the time and knowing there will always be more opportunities.
Ongoing challenges: Growth and effective management.
Best way to stay competitive: Maintain a lot of contact with clients.
In five years, where would you like your business to be? On top!
What does your company contribute to the Carlsbad community? Supreme service throughout the area and volunteer support when able.
What are your guiding principles? 'Be the first to give',' integrity always' and 'enjoy it all.'
What's one thing other people do not know about you? I was a Marine pilot for 12 years.
What would you change if you could do it all over again? Nothing!
Choice for a second career: Real Estate mogul.
People you look up to and why: My dad. He is the best…at everything!
Favorite movie: What the Bleep Do We Know
Favorite quote: "We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore Excellence is a habit."
Advice for new entrepreneurs: Prepare to work harder than you ever have before and know that it will all come back to you ten fold.
Executive's name: Kolan J. Hairston
Title: President/Owner
Company name: FISH Window Cleaning
Address: 1555 Grand Avenue, Suite B
Phone: (760) 744-5510
Web site:
Founded: September, 2004
Source of starting capital: Private Funds
2004 revenues: $24,000
Average hours worked weekly: 50
Number of teammates: 6
Residence: Carlsbad
Family: Wife, no kids
Hobbies: Physical fitness, road biking, anything at the beach and reading.
What got you into this business? The fun of it, the challenge and the truly unlimited potential.
What makes your business a standout? Professionalism, quality of service and the high touch customer care delivered to each client.
Drawbacks to your line of business: Challenge of managing the workload and growth.
How do you plan to grow? Through person to person contact, being out in the community meeting and greeting potential clients every day (i.e. the old fashioned way).
Toughest career decision: Choosing to walk away from projects that were larger than we were currently manned to handle at the time and knowing there will always be more opportunities.
Ongoing challenges: Growth and effective management.
Best way to stay competitive: Maintain a lot of contact with clients.
In five years, where would you like your business to be? On top!
What does your company contribute to the Carlsbad community? Supreme service throughout the area and volunteer support when able.
What are your guiding principles? 'Be the first to give',' integrity always' and 'enjoy it all.'
What's one thing other people do not know about you? I was a Marine pilot for 12 years.
What would you change if you could do it all over again? Nothing!
Choice for a second career: Real Estate mogul.
People you look up to and why: My dad. He is the best…at everything!
Favorite movie: What the Bleep Do We Know
Favorite quote: "We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore Excellence is a habit."
Advice for new entrepreneurs: Prepare to work harder than you ever have before and know that it will all come back to you ten fold.