When Dan Ross and his wife watched the results last May of what more than 300 people did with the $1,000 Oprah gave them to come up with creative ways to help others, they were inspired.
Then one of their six children, who had completed a student teaching assignment at a North County school, told them that some of the students there didn't have new shoes and were wearing hand-me-downs or used shoes that didn't fit. It was then that the Ross' knew what they had to do.
In late-June, the couple founded the Barefoot Kids Foundation, a nonprofit corporation based in Carlsbad that provides new footwear for children 2 to 18 years old who are underprivileged, distressed or living below the poverty level.
“We knew that by providing new footwear to kids in need we would fill an important oversight in our society,” said Ross, director of the foundation. “Our goal is to improve the lives of millions of children in all areas of our country.”
He said the services the foundation provides are needed because nearly 13 million American children, a national average of 18 percent, live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level. There are millions of kids who don't participate in after-school programs because they don't have proper shoes, he said.
“Giving new footwear to kids in need will eliminate the stigma, embarrassment and peer pressure,” Ross said. “Providing new footwear is not a one-time gift, it could be an ongoing commitment to those kids in need as their feet grow. They will always need new footwear.”
Through its national distribution network, the foundation provides $25 gift cards for Payless ShoeSource to childcare service organizations such as the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Big Brothers Big Sisters, schools and licensed state agency's that help children with their daily lives. These trained professionals determine what children are in need, supervise the distribution of the Payless shopping cards and follow-up with the youth as their feet grow.
“Our program provides the kids and their families an opportunity to experience shopping for footwear in stores. This instills a sense of pride of ownership in purchasing new footwear,” Ross said.
The foundation has sent 100 Payless gift cards to organizations that distribute them to kids in need locally and across the country. Ross said the response from the Boys & Girls Clubs and Big Brothers Big Sisters has been enormous and both have requested additional shopping cards.
“Every month, we are going to be increasing the number of kids that we are providing shoes for,” Ross said.
The Carlsbad Business Journal sat down with Ross to discuss the foundation in more detail and the ways people can help the nonprofit continue to succeed.
CBJ: How do you measure success?
Ross: Our distribution partners provide us with specific requests that are based on actual numbers of registered children in need. We require our distribution partners to provide us with the card identification number, names, age, foot size and gender of each qualified child that receives the $25 shopping card. Payless ShoeSource provides us with monthly statements indicating the purchase information and location where the cards are redeemed. Our tracking program confirms the use of each Payless shopping card and provides feedback to our distribution partners for their records. This two-way reporting system creates a flow of information to and from our distribution partners and is used to determine the effectiveness and success of our program.
CBJ: What needs does the foundation have?
Ross: We need to obtain corporate sponsors, volunteers to take part in developing and implementing various fundraising events and to network with businesses that are looking to be part of a charity that is making a major difference in our society.
We also need people to support us by using our online Business Supporters program (www.barefootkids.org/Supporters). To make free donations, just make your purchases through the links on our Web site to online stores such as Staples and Amazon.com. By using this, each purchase you make directly results in free donations for the Barefoot Kids Foundation.
CBJ: How can people get involved?
Ross: There are many options to choose from, including:
• Helping us generate both short- and long-term donation commitments.
• Getting businesses and individuals to make purchases using our online Business Support program.
• Generating media coverage.
•Creating fundraiser campaigns like golf tournaments, surfing events, concerts, raffles and etc.
CBJ: What do you enjoy about being headquartered in Carlsbad?
Ross: Carlsbad provides us with all the necessary business, social and living amenities required in becoming successful. The location gives us easy access to major markets with its own airport and is in close proximity to Los Angeles and San Diego. The business community is on the cutting edge and is very innovative, which attracts skilled labor and professionals striving to be at the forefront of the business world.
CBJ: Who serves on the foundation's advisory board?
Ross: At present, we have experienced charity organizers, daycare professionals and business advisors. It is a six-member board including me and my wife.
CBJ: Does the foundation have employees?
Ross: All of the work, to date, has been performed by the co-founders. As we grow, we will hire full- and part-time staff and obtain the services of volunteers.
CBJ: Is there anything else you think people should know about the foundation?
Ross: This is a niche program that fulfills an enormous need. Think about it, each day we put on our shoes without concern, but each day a kid in need has to put on used or improperly fitting footwear, and it is a major concern. We are going to make a lasting change in many kids' lives and we need your help.
