What better way to kick off a new school year than to celebrate Literacy Week? Through an engaging partnership with the Four Seasons Residence Club Aviara, students of Buena Vista Elementary had a fun and educational week.

Over the course of the week, nine employees, Teresa Prado, Julie Blosch, Brittney Montano, Chelle Mapanao, Ali Dolan, Kyla Zamora, Sarah Gemmell, Gabrielle Winding and Leslie Laurer from the resort dropped by the school to read stories to the kindergarten, first, second, and third graders. They came with props, and their enthusiasm for their books brought the stories to life for the children.

Educators appreciate the importance of exposing children to a variety of literacy experiences, especially in the early grades. Nothing can top the importance of parents reading to their children on a regular basis. But memorable moments in the classroom, like the ones created by the Four Seasons managers, also help to foster a lifelong love of reading
For her turn as a reader, Leslie Laurer selected one of her favorites, "The Princess and the Pea" and also picked a book, about a lightning bug called Snoodlebug, that she wrote when she was a child.

Laurer and Tina Howard, Buena Vista's principal, teamed up to create this and many other special events and programs at the school.

A very special and perhaps unique experience that the Four Seasons shared with the students of Buena Vista was the fifth-grade "job shadowing" day. For a full day, all Buena Vista fifth-graders were invited to experience a behind-the-scenes look into the world of work at the resort.
During this hands-on day, students participated in learning how to make pizza dough, fold a napkin, serve beverages holding a tray with one hand, stuff a pillow into a pillowcase relay and make and taste smoothies at the bar. At the end of the day the students in a special celebration were rewarded with pizza and ice cream!

Some business partners contribute money to schools, and that always is greatly needed and appreciated. Also, many community members volunteer their precious time in our schools. But the Four Seasons Residence Club Aviara has taken partnerships to another level. Not only does it contribute money and volunteer time to enhance already well-established school programs, but it works with the school in creating new kinds of learning experiences for the students.

Laurer reports that the children of Buena Vista are not the only ones who benefit from this unique relationship. The employees also find great enjoyment in the personal connections they make with the children. They were truly moved by the "thank you books," made by the fifth graders, in which the students recounted their favorite parts of the job-shadowing day.

Finally, these valuable undertakings also have served to build teamwork and enthusiasm among Four Seasons employees themselves.
