If you've got new construction incentives or rebates in the works with SDG&E, be sure to get your projects squared away soon, before California raises the bar on Title 24 building energy-efficiency standards on July 1, 2014.

California regulators and utilities are still working out details on how the building code changes will affect rebates and incentives. In general, though, incentives could be harder to come by. For example, funding for occupancy sensors, photocells and timers will be eliminated on July 1 when they become standard lighting controls.

For more information, visit sdge.com/T24update.

Free Thermostats
Receive a free programmable thermostat for your business when you participate in a no-cost energy assessment through the Direct Install program. You may qualify for other free upgrades such as energy-efficient lighting, HVAC or refrigeration measures. These thermostats are easy to use, can connect to smart meters, and have remote control features. For businesses who participate in SDG&E demand response (DR) programs, the thermostat will also help save energy when a DR event is activated. Find out more at sdge.com/good4biz (see the "Personalized Tools" section.)

Conserve during emergencies
When we have emergencies, such as weather conditions that affect the integrity of our system, we would like to remind our customers that conserving energy, especially during the peak period of 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. helps everyone. Here are some steps you can take to reduce the strain on the transmission infrastructure and manage costs for your business operations:
• Turn off or set office equipment to power down when not in use
• Reduce lighting where possible
• Turn off lights or exhaust fans in unoccupied areas that are not necessary for security or safety
• Seal off unused areas and reduce or eliminate heating or cooling in unoccupied spaces
• When using your cooling system, keep exterior doors closed as much as possible to keep the cool air in
At the end of the day, turn off all energy-consuming devices (lights, kitchen equipment, computers, monitors, printers, copiers, etc.)
