An emotional highlight of the business awards was the honoring of five U.S. Marines who received Purple Hearts for the injuries they received fighting in Afghanistan. Here are their stories:
Cpl. Barron joined the Marine Corps in 2007. He was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment and deployed to Afghanistan. On Oct. 20, 2011 during a patrol, a fellow Marine stepped on an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and wounded both Marines. Barron lost his left leg above the knee and is blind in his left eye and suffered several fractures to the face and right hand. He is now walking with a prosthetic and he is looking forward to staying in the Marines. His dream is to be standing tall when his unit returns from combat in the next few weeks.
Cpl. Chischilly enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in May of 2005. He deployed three times as team leader in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. His fourth deployment was to Afghanistan. He was wounded on October 2010 by a pressure plate IED on a combat patrol as an advisor to the Afghan Police Force. He lost his left leg and suffered shrapnel wounds. He plans to leave the Marine Corps in 2013 and wants to pursue a culinary career.
Cpl. McDaniel joined the Marine Corps in 2007.He was deployed to Kajaki, Afhanistan in May 2007. On August 2010 on a routine morning patrol, he stepped on an IED and lost his left hand and his legs. His progress was remarkable. He started walking on prosthetics in less than two months. Currently finishing therapy at the San Diego Naval Center, he is building a house in Destin, Fla. and plans to return to college for an accounting degree and become a business owner.
Sgt. Rodriguez joined the Marine Corps on October 10, 2000. On January 27, 2011 he was on patrol as a scout sniper team leader and while he was getting in position to provide security for his team, an IED exploded, blowing his right foot and part of his calf off, breaking his right arm and severely damaging his left leg. He deployed to combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan four times since joining the Marines. His rehabilitation is progressing well and he is anxiously awaiting the time when he can participate in competitive sports again.
First Lt. West's unit deployed to Afghanistan in September 2010 to the Sangin Valley. In October, he was leading his platoon on a three-day patrol when they encountered an IED. His radio operator stepped on a pressure plate and was killed. West lost his right leg above the knee, the vision in his right eye, and has partial use of his right hand with two fingers gone. His prognosis is good and he is gaining the use of his right hand slowly and has been walking since last March. He participated in the Marine Corps marathon in October in Washington, D.C with other wounded Marines.
The Purple Heart is a United States military decoration awarded in the name of the President to those who have been wounded or killed while serving on or after April 5, 1917 with the U.S. military.
Camilla Rodriguez, daughter of Sgt. Eric Rodriguez, joined the Chamber at its dinner. During the event, the wives and girlfriends of the Marines were also recognized for their sacrifice and support
“They’re still hard-chargers. They want to get on with their lives…”
, Col. Mike Naylor, Deputy Commander, Marine Corps Installations West, speaking about the honored Marines
