Over the last six months, we have learned many things about the Village, its history and the hopes for its future. We have been fortunate to meet many interesting individuals who care deeply about the Village and have worked hard to preserve and improve it. We have greatly increased the ways we communicate about the Village and the Village Works project including a new web site, frequent blog postings, weekly e-blast, Village Voices monthly meetings and this column.
Even with the increased communication, we believe there are Village stakeholders who have not yet become a part of the Village Works process. We know from experience that a higher level of stakeholder involvement leads to a more successful project. We also know that stakeholders are more comfortable and participate to a greater extent when they are a part of a group of their peers who share common issues and experiences.
Village Works working groups are being formed based on common interests. Currently there are three working groups: Village Businesses, Village Property Owners and Village Residents. The working groups are focused on two primary tasks. The first is to provide input to the Village Works process from their point of view, focusing on their unique issues. The second task is to become part of the solution, part of the implementation team.
Our commitment to this program is to keep the working group meetings focused, time-limited, not about the past and all about the future. If you are not yet participating in a working group, but would like to, the information on meeting schedules and becoming a participant are on the web site www.carlsbad-village.com.
Grants keep the village moving
"Carlsbad lands $1.25 million in Active Transportation Grants." What does this headline mean for the Village? It means a lot! Urban Place Consulting partnered with the City's Transportation Department to develop the grant submissions to the San Diego Association of Governments. The City was awarded four of the five grants that were requested. Three of the grants, $1.1 million of the $1.25 million, are focused on the Village.
The largest grant, $800,000 is to construct a roundabout at the Carlsbad Boulevard, State Street intersection. The roundabout will calm speeds entering the Village and make the intersection safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. The Active Village Campaign grant, which totals $267,000, aims to boost awareness of bicycling and walking opportunities in the Village.
The campaign will inform businesses and residents of the advantages of bicycling and walking and promote alternative transportation choices. The "Bike the Village" custom bike rack grant, which is $33,000, will provide 80 new custom bicycle racks and six bicycle corrals to improve access for bicyclists in the area of the Village.
Even with the increased communication, we believe there are Village stakeholders who have not yet become a part of the Village Works process. We know from experience that a higher level of stakeholder involvement leads to a more successful project. We also know that stakeholders are more comfortable and participate to a greater extent when they are a part of a group of their peers who share common issues and experiences.
Village Works working groups are being formed based on common interests. Currently there are three working groups: Village Businesses, Village Property Owners and Village Residents. The working groups are focused on two primary tasks. The first is to provide input to the Village Works process from their point of view, focusing on their unique issues. The second task is to become part of the solution, part of the implementation team.
Our commitment to this program is to keep the working group meetings focused, time-limited, not about the past and all about the future. If you are not yet participating in a working group, but would like to, the information on meeting schedules and becoming a participant are on the web site www.carlsbad-village.com.
Grants keep the village moving
"Carlsbad lands $1.25 million in Active Transportation Grants." What does this headline mean for the Village? It means a lot! Urban Place Consulting partnered with the City's Transportation Department to develop the grant submissions to the San Diego Association of Governments. The City was awarded four of the five grants that were requested. Three of the grants, $1.1 million of the $1.25 million, are focused on the Village.
The largest grant, $800,000 is to construct a roundabout at the Carlsbad Boulevard, State Street intersection. The roundabout will calm speeds entering the Village and make the intersection safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. The Active Village Campaign grant, which totals $267,000, aims to boost awareness of bicycling and walking opportunities in the Village.
The campaign will inform businesses and residents of the advantages of bicycling and walking and promote alternative transportation choices. The "Bike the Village" custom bike rack grant, which is $33,000, will provide 80 new custom bicycle racks and six bicycle corrals to improve access for bicyclists in the area of the Village.