The City of Carlsbad consistently gets high marks from the community for our beautiful parks and popular recreation programs. In fact, our parks and recreation programs, services and facilities play a big role in ensuring Carlsbad's excellent quality of life, which we all know is a key driver of economic development.

Just like a business must keep track of its customer needs, industry trends and changing demographics, the city must also constantly be planning ahead and adapting to our community's needs. That's why in February, the city kicked off a process to develop an updated action plan for our parks and recreation services.

"The Carlsbad community has always valued healthy outdoor lifestyles and strong social connections, and that's what our parks and recreation services are all about," said Mick Calarco, special projects manager for the city. "It's important to hear from the entire community as we plan for the future to ensure we continue to meet their needs and expectations."

We heard loud and clear during the recent Envision Carlsbad process that our community values access to recreation and active healthy lifestyles. They also place a high importance on fostering a strong and diverse local economy. I believe these two things are related.

In fact, because you chose to locate your business in Carlsbad, your employees have access to recreational opportunities close to work, such as the 46 miles of trails that run near many of our industrial parks and the new Alga Norte Community Park, which is under construction at Poinsettia and Alicante. We want to know how we can improve this employee benefit.

Businesses have important input to contribute to this process. Just like our residents, your employees can enjoy the healthy outdoor lifestyle, lifelong learning and social connections provided by our parks and recreation services. In fact, encouraging your employees to take advantage of these local services could be yet another reason they want to work for your company, here in Carlsbad.

So, what could the future look like? Would we have more fitness classes offered over the lunch hour? Or maybe additional after-work options? What if our next park had a climbing wall or other more adventuresome amenities? Would that make Carlsbad an even more attractive place for energetic, entrepreneurial talent?

In addition to getting input from the public, the city will be reviewing demographic forecasts, usage rates of current facilities and programs, and industry trends. The result will be an updated blueprint city staff can use to plan for the future of these important community amenities.

For more information about the parks and recreation assessment and comprehensive action plan, please visit the city website, In addition to public meetings, the city will collect input online and through mailed surveys, interviews and focus groups with the public.
